Salary Ordinance

Article 3 – Notes Applicable To Positions and Classifications Listed in Article 2 Preceding:


3-1.1 – (BOS approved deletion 2/4/20)

3-1.2 – Employees in the following Job Code(s) may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for that classification, as determined by the Director of Community Development Agency: 8422. (BOS approved 5/16/23)


3-2.1 – The person occupying the position under Job Code 0025EM shall receive biweekly compensation as follows: $6,744.00 effective January 1, 2007; and effective January 1, 2008, January 1, 2009, and January 1, 2010, respectively, the salary for the position shall be increased by the average increase for Senior Executive Managers on or about the same date, provided that the amount of said increase shall be no less than 3 percent and no more than 9 percent. Effective in calendar year 2007 and in each subsequent calendar year, the incumbent shall also be entitled to the maximum amount allowed by Internal Revenue Code 457, including “overage catch up” provisions; to be contributed to the County’s Deferred Compensation Plan. The incumbent will also receive 9.6 percent of base salary in addition to other compensation provided in this ordinance.

3-2.2 – (BOS approved deletion 9/24/19)

3-2.3 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19).

3-2.4 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-2.5 – The person occupying the position job code 0025EM (ASSESSOR) shall receive biweekly compensation as follows: $9,756.00 effective January 1, 2023; and on or after January 1, 2024, and on or about January 1, 2025, and on or about January 1, 2026, the salary shall be increased by the same general cost of living percentage increase received by the majority of the County of Alameda Board- appointed department heads, during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of each increase, said percentages to be calculated by the County Administrator and Human Resource Services Director.

Effective January 1, 2013, the incumbent’s contribution towards health premiums, deductible amounts and/or co-pays shall be consistent with those of the unrepresented executive management for each year of the plan years 2023 through 2026.

Effective January 1, 2023, the flexible spending plan shall be consistent with the plan of the unrepresented executive management for each of the plan years 2023 through 2026. (BOS approved 11/21/17) (BOS approved 11/2/21)

3-2.6 – Persons employed under Job Code 0323SM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the salary range for said classification as determined by the Assessor (BOS approved 6/29/21)


3-3.1 – The person occupying the position under Job Code 0032EM shall receive biweekly compensation as follows: $6,507.20 effective January 1, 2007; and effective January 1, 2008, January 1, 2009, and January 1, 2010, respectively, the salary for the position shall be increased by the average increase for Senior Executive Managers on or about the same date, provided that the amount of said increase shall be no less than 3 percent and no more than 9 percent. Effective in calendar year 2007 and in each subsequent calendar year, the incumbent shall also be entitled to the maximum amount allowed by Internal Revenue Code 457, including “overage catch up” provisions; to be contributed to the County’s Deferred Compensation Plan. The incumbent will also receive 9.6 percent of base salary in addition to other compensation provided in this ordinance.

3-3.2 – Not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 0150SM or 0151SM (effective December 12, 2021) assigned to provide oversight and manage central Payroll, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of the base pay. (BOS approved 12/7/21)

3-3.3 – The person occupying a position under Job Code 0145 who audits and evaluates computerized accounting information systems on a county-wide basis shall receive biweekly compensation at the same rate as Job Code 0146SM.

3-3.4 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-3.5 – Persons employed under Job Code 0146SM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries for that classification, as determined by the Department Head, and approved by the Director of Human Resource Services.

3-3.6 – Effective April 6, 2008, not to exceed one person per unit occupying a position under Job Codes 1528 and 1529 shall receive an additional five percent compensation above their base salary when assigned lead responsibilities for other Auditor Associate I, II and/or III positions in the Alameda County Auditor-Controller Agency. (BOS approved 6/17/08).

3-3.8 – Effective April 6, 2008, persons under Job Codes 1527, 1528 and 1529 (Auditor Associate I, II and III) within the Central Payroll Unit shall receive an additional compensation of five percent higher than the equivalent step of Job Code 1125 (Payroll Records Clerk) if their compensation is not already at or above five percent higher when assigned specialized and independent work related to processing Countywide payroll and ensuring that the payroll from each department is correct within the specified payroll processing time. (BOS approved 7/22/08)

3-3.9 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-3.10  Effective January 1, 2014, the person occupying the position under Job Code 0032EM when designated by the Board of Supervisors to serve as the Recorder shall be compensated an additional 25 percent of the base salary for Job Code 0032EM, and in addition when designated by the Board of Supervisors to serve as the County Clerk shall be compensated an additional 10 percent of the base salary for Job Code 0032EM. (BOS approved 12/8/09)

3-3.11 – Effective September 29, 2013, persons employed under Job Code 2090PA, may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for that classification, as determined by the Auditor-Controller. (BOS approved 9/24/13)

3-3.12 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-3.13 – The person occupying the position job code 0032 (AUDITOR-CONTROLLER) shall receive biweekly compensation as follows: $9,413.60 effective January 1, 2023; and on or about  January 1, 2024, and on or about January 1, 2025, and on or about January 1, 2026, the salary shall be increased by the same general cost of living percentage increase received by the majority of the County of Alameda Board-appointed department heads, during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of each increase, said percentages to be calculated by the County Administrator and Human Resource Services Director.

Effective January 1, 2023, the incumbent’s contribution towards health premiums, deductible amounts and/or co-pays shall be consistent with those of the unrepresented executive management for each year of the plan years 2023 through 2026.

Effective January 1, 2023, the flexible spending plan shall be consistent with the plan of the unrepresented executive management for each of the plan years 2023 through 2026. (BOS approved 11/21/17) (BOS approved 11/2/21)

3-3.14 – Effective October 1, 2023, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 0030, when designated to serve as second-in-command, and to assist the Auditor-Controller with County Recorder and County Clerk functions, in addition to their regularly assigned duties, shall be compensated an additional fifteen percent (15%) of the base pay.  (BOS approved (9/19/23)


3-4.1 – Commission members and alternates shall be paid a per diem of $100 while they are in attendance at meetings of the Commission. (BOS approved 11/25/14)


3-6.1 – Positions under Job Code 0600MA are established in order to permit interchange and flexibility among management classes in accordance with policies and procedures developed and administered by the County Administrator and the Director of Human Resource Services. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Ordinance, appointments to positions in this class shall either specify one of the step rates of compensation shown, or specify a relationship to the compensation for a position in which the incumbent has tenure. Any adjustment in compensation must be approved by the appointing authority, the County Administrator and Director of Human Resource Services, except for an increase resulting from the annual salary adjustment for the class which requires only the appointing authority’s approval. Persons so appointed to those positions from regular County classes will maintain benefits which accrue to their regular County class and will not receive any other or any additional benefits by virtue of appointment to this class.

3-6.2 – The person occupying the position under Job Code 1227MA when assigned as Secretary to the County Administrator, shall receive an additional 7 percent compensation.

3-6.3 – One position of 1220M (Secretary II) assigned as Assistant/Secretary to the Oakland/ Alameda County Coliseum Joint Powers Authority Commission shall receive an additional 10 percent compensation.

3-6.4 – Effective January 1, 1997, the person employed under Job Code number 0035EM, in addition to other compensation provided herein, shall be entitled to the sum of $7500 each calendar year to be contributed to the Deferred Compensation Program. If the Deferred Compensation Program becomes unavailable to this person, he/she shall have the option of cash or any other benefit, in lieu thereof.

3-6.5 – Not to exceed one position of 0245PA assigned in writing by the County Administrator to be the Finance Analyst, shall receive up to 10 percent additional compensation.

3-6.6 – Effective March 21, 1999, one position of 1220M (Secretary II) or 1227 (Administrative Secretary) when assigned overall office procedures management for the County Administrator’s Office, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-6.7 – Persons employed under Job Codes 0224PA, 0240PA, 0243PA, 0245PA, 0250PA, 0251PA, 0252PA, 0253PA, 0254PA, 0255SM, 0258SM, 0259PA, 0270PA, 0271SM, 0469SM, 0470PA, 0475SM, 0478SM, 0486PA, 0487PA, 0488PA, 0489PA, 0490PA, 0491PA, 0492SM, 0493PA, 0497SM, 0498SM,1008SM,  and 1229CA may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for those classes as determined by the Department Head. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the 5-step salary plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees. In order for an incumbent to receive a salary in excess of 22% above the first step, but not to exceed five percent (5%) below the top step the incumbent must meet criteria 1 or 2, and 3.

  1. Regularly and individually handle complex assignments requiring skill, expertise, sensitivity, and judgment beyond that normally required for the journey level position.
  2. Have lead responsibility over a group of positions in the same job class.
  3. Achieve an above-average performance rating.

The top five percent (5%) of the respective salary range for each class is reserved for employees who are assigned, on a continuing basis, the most difficult and/or sensitive projects, those having administrative/managerial responsibilities not normally part of their ongoing assignment, and/or performance evaluations deemed by the Department Head to be extraordinary. (BOS approved 11/7/17) (BOS approved 10/26/21) (BOS approved 12/6/22)

3-6.8 – Not to exceed one person under Job Code 0255SM assigned in writing by the County Administrator to be the Clerk, Board of Supervisors, shall receive up to 10 percent additional compensation.

3-6.9 – Effective March 7, 2021, not to exceed one (1) employee in either Job Codes 0245PA or 0255SM when authorized by the County Administrator to be assigned as the County-wide Budget Coordinator shall receive up to 10% additional compensation of the base pay. (BOS approved 3/23/21)

3-6.10 – Not to exceed one person under Job Code 0245PA assigned in writing by the County Administrator to serve as the Executive Officer for the Local Agency Formation Commission shall receive up to 10 percent additional compensation.

3-6.11 – The person employed under Job Codes 0260EM and 5142PA may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the salary range shown for that classification as determined by the Department Head. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to the general adjustments prescribed for other County employees. (BOS approved amendment 7/28/20)

3-6.12 – The person employed under Job Code 0035SE may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the salary range for this classification as determined by the Board of Supervisors. (BOS approved 3/14/06)

3-6.13 – Effective December 26, 2010, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 0270PA, who is assigned to act as the Deputy Director of the East Bay Economic Development Alliance, shall receive up to ten percent compensation. (BOS approved 12/7/10)

3-6.14 – The persons employed under Job Code 0257EM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the salary range shown for that classification as determined by the Department Head. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to the general adjustments prescribed for other County employees. (BOS approved 5/5/15)

3-6.15 – Effective August 2, 2015, not to exceed one position under Job Code 0219PA, when assigned to supervise and coordinate the work of some support staff position and /or equivalent positions in the County Administrator’s Office, shall receive an additional 5% percent compensation. (BOS approved 7/28/15)

3-6.16 – Effective October 30, 2022, not to exceed two (2) employees in Job Code 1137, when assigned to lead other Administrative Associates, CAO in the Assessment Appeals Unit and/or Board Agenda Unit, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of base pay. (BOS approved 8/2/16) (BOS approved 10/18/22)

3-6.17 – (BOS approved 11/24/20) (BOS approved deletion 12/6/22)



3-8.1 – Persons employed under Job Codes 3220PA, 3230PA, 3240SM, 3245SM and 3250EM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for that classification, as determined by the Department Head. However, effective December 27, 1998 the top 6.8 percent of the respective range for each of these classes shall be reserved only for those persons assigned, on a regular basis, the most complex and difficult cases, and those having managerial/administrative responsibilities, or who have outstanding performance evaluations based on criteria established by the Department Head. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments for other County employees.

3-8.2 – One person occupying a position under Job Code 1240 shall be compensated an additional 5 percent when formally assigned by the County Counsel to lead responsibilities over persons occupying positions in clerical classes. (BOS approved 6/25/02)

3-8.3 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of 3260SE (County Counsel) shall be determined by the Board of Supervisors. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-8.4 – The person employed under Job Code 0246SM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for that classification as determined by the Department Head.

3-8.5 – Effective July 25, 2021, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 3240SM, when designated by the appointing authority, and assigned, in addition to their regular assignment, to perform California State Bar education accreditation compliance and organization, coordination of training for new attorneys, and oversight of the mentoring program for the Summer and Graduate Law Clerks, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of the base pay. (BOS approved 7/13/21)


3-9.1 – Persons employed under Job Codes 0045EM, 3300PA, 3390PA, and 3400PA may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for that classification as determined by the Department Head. However, effective December 27, 1998 the top 6.8 percent of the respective range for each of the classes shall be reserved only for those persons assigned, on a regular basis, the most complex and difficult cases and those having managerial/administrative responsibilities, or who have outstanding performance evaluations based on criteria established by the Department Head. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-9.2 – The person occupying the position under Job Code 0047EM shall receive biweekly compensation as follows: $8,930.40 effective January 1, 2007; and effective January 1, 2008, January 1, 2009, and January 1, 2010, respectively, the salary for the position shall be increased by the average increase for Senior Executive Managers on or about the same date, provided that the amount of said increase shall be no less than 3 percent and no more than 9 percent. Effective in calendar year 2007 and in each subsequent calendar year, the incumbent shall also be entitled to the maximum amount allowed by Internal Revenue Code 457, including “overage catch up” provisions; to be contributed to the County’s Deferred Compensation Plan. The incumbent will also receive 9.6 percent of base salary in addition to other compensation provided in this ordinance.

3-9.3 – Any person occupying a position under Job Codes 8533CA, 8535CA, 8536SM, 8540SM, 8543SM, 8545SM, or 8575SM, and effective April 26, 2015 Job Code 8544SM, designated as a peace officer as defined in Section 830.1 of the Penal Code, when certified as having met the criteria for eligibility established by the Board of Supervisors for the District Attorney’s Training Incentive Program, shall for one year, effective on the first day of the calendar month following the certification of completion, be compensated an additional 7 percent which shall be renewable for a like period of time upon completion of 30 hours or 3 units of Department Head-approved seminars or courses prior to such renewal. (BOS approved addition of one classification 9/29/15)

3-9.4 – Persons employed Job Codes 8533CA, 8535CA, 9213PA, or 9215PA may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries for each class as determined by the Department Head. (BOS approved 5/24/16 Job Code 8518PA effective 6/5/16)

3-9.5 –(BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-9.10 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-9.11 – Effective December 21, 2014, not to exceed six positions under Job Code 3300PA, when assigned to perform the function of a Team Leader over other Deputy District Attorneys in the District Attorney’s Office shall receive up to an additional 2.5% compensation. (BOS approved 12/16/14)

3-9.12 – The person occupying the position job code 0047 (DISTRICT ATTORNEY) shall receive biweekly compensation as follows: $14,248.80 effective January 1, 2023; and on or about January 1, 2024, and on or about January 1, 2025, and on or about January 1, 2026, the salary shall be increased by the same general cost of living percentage increase received by the majority of the County of Alameda Board-appointed department heads during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of each increase, said percentages to be calculated by the County Administrator and Human Resource Services Director.

Effective January 1, 2023, the incumbent’s contribution towards health premiums, deductible amounts and/or co-pays shall be consistent with those of the unrepresented executive management for each year of the plan years 2023 through 2026.

Effective January 1, 2023, the flexible spending plan shall be consistent with the plan of the unrepresented executive management for each of the plan years 2023 through 2026. (BOS approved 11/21/17) (BOS approved 11/2/21)


3-11.1 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1710, Supply Clerk II, or Job Code 9320, Truck Driver, when assigned on a full-time basis to work as lead for the Manager, Property and Salvage, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-11.2 – Not to exceed two persons occupying positions under Job Code 9240, one assigned to North County Facilities, and one assigned to South County Facilities when designated and working as lead over a group of employees in the same Job Code number, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-11.3 – Not to exceed a total of eleven persons assigned to the Specialist Group under Job Codes 7410 and 7410N shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. (BOS approved 6/25/02, amended 3/27/12 eleven persons)

3-11.4 – (BOS approved deletion 2/26/19)

3-11.5 – The person employed under Job Code 1735SM and the person employed under Job Code 0330SM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for those classifications, as determined by the Agency Head.

3-11.6 – Persons employed under Job Codes 0175SM, 0179SM (effective 4/6/08), 0181PA (effective 4/1/08), 0183SM (effective 4/5/09), 0184SM (effective 3/7/10), 0194EM, 0195EM, 9285PA, 9289SM or 1260 may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries for those classifications, as determined by the Agency Head. (BOS approved 0179SM and 0181PA 3/25/08) (BOS approved 0183SM 3/31/09) (BOS approved 0184SM 2/9/10)

3-11.7 – The person occupying a position under Job Code 0190EM who acts as the Purchasing Agent shall not be entitled to receive additional compensation therefor.

3-11.8 – (BOS approved deletion 2/26/19)

3-11.9 – Persons occupying positions under Job Codes 0176PA, 0178SM, 0185SM, 0193EM, 0196EM, 0236SM, 0421SM, 0451SM, 2218SM, 2219SM, 7425SM, 9445SM, 9689M, 9690SM, 9691PA, 9692SM, 9693PA, 9695MA, 9698PA, 9699SM, or 9702SM may be compensated at any biweekly amount in the salary range for that class as determined by the Director, General Services Agency.(BOS approved amendment 6/9/20) (BOS approved amendment 8/4/20) (BOS approved amendment 11/17/20)

3-11.10 – Not to exceed eight persons occupying positions under Job Codes 9670 Stationary Engineer, 9260 Plumber, 9230 Electrician and 9232, Automatic Guided Vehicle Technician, when assigned on a full time basis to assist a Supervisor, Building and Plant Maintenance (Job Code 9680SM), or when assigned lead responsibility in a remote location, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. (BOS approved 3/27/12 the addition of job code 9232)

3-11.11- Not to exceed two (2) persons occupying positions under Job Code 9680SM (Supervisor, Buildings and Plant Maintenance), who have 24/7 building maintenance responsibilities for the Santa Rita Jail facility shall receive an additional ten percent (10%) compensation.  (BOS approved 7/23/19)

3-11.12 – (BOS approved deletion effective 9/20/11)

3-11.13 – Not to exceed three persons occupying positions under Job Code 9220, two assigned to North County facilities and one assigned to South County facilities, when designated and working as lead over a group of employees in the same Job Code number, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-11.14 – (BOS approved deletion 11/8/16)

3-11.15 – (BOS approved deletion 2/26/19)

3-11.16 – (BOS approved deletion 2/26/19)

3-11.17 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of Job Code 0190SE (Director, General Services Agency) shall be determined by the County Administrator. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-11.18 – (BOS approved deletion 6/18/19)

3-11.19 – Not to exceed one person per vehicle service center (Hayward, Oakland and Santa Rita), occupying a position under Job Code 9420 when assigned “lead” responsibilities over one or more employees, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 7/24/07) (BOS approved amendment 11/25/14)

3-11.20 – Effective October 5, 2008, not to exceed two persons occupying positions under Job Code 7210, one assigned to the San Leandro Garden Center and one assigned to the Santa Rita Garden Center, when assigned lead responsibility shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 10/21/08)

3-11.21 – Effective March 8, 2009, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 9695, when assigned, in addition to the regular assignment, responsibility for County-wide space allocation analyses and recommendations and for providing project management for new projects submitted to General Services Agency from project initiation through project funding authorization, requiring multi-disciplinary expertise coordination and reviewing the work of multiple departments within GSA, such as the Technical Service Department, Real Property Management, Building Maintenance Department and the Communications Department, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 3/3/09)

3-11.22 – (BOS approved deletion 2/26/19)

3-11.23 – Effective February 16, 2014, not to exceed three employees in Job Code 0173NM, Procurement & Contracts Specialist II, when assigned “lead” over a Unit of other Procurement & Contracts Specialist, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. (BOS approved 2/11/14)

3-11.24 – Effective April 9, 2017, one person occupying a position under Job Code 0185SM when assigned to oversee the Office of Acquisition Policy (OAP) shall receive an additional five (5) percent compensation. (BOS approved 3/28/17)

3-11.25 – (BOS approved deletion12/19/17 effective 12/14/19)

3-11.26 – (BOS approved deletion 3/12/19 effective January 25, 2020.)

3-11.27 – (BOS approved 6/19/18) (BOS approved 6/2/20) (BOS approved amendment 12/15/20) (BOS approved deletion 12/15/20 effective 6/26/21).

3-11.28 – (BOS approved deletion 10/20/20 effective 12/26/20)


3-12.7 – (BOS approved deletion 9/24/19)

3-12.8 – Persons occupying positions under Job Codes 5137 and 5139 employed prior to November 1, 1986 or under Job Code 5137N and 5139N, employed prior to May 1, 1988, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation upon established proof of eligibility for certification from the appropriate American Specialty Board. Any person employed under Job Codes 5137 and 5139 on or after November 1, 1986 or any person employed under Job Code 5137N and 5139N on or after May 1, 1988 shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation upon establishing proof of eligibility for certification from the appropriate American Specialty Board and must be certified by the appropriate American Specialty Board within 3 years of establishing eligibility for certification to continue to receive the additional 5 percent compensation.

In addition to the compensation provided in this note above, effective June 29, 1997, employees occupying positions under Job Codes 5137, 5137N, 5139 and 5139N, who are Board-certified in child psychiatry, and who are regularly assigned to perform a full range of psychiatric-care related duties in a Children’s Services Unit in the Behavioral Health Care Services Department, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation, upon established proof of eligibility for certification from the appropriate American Specialty Board. (BOS approved 6/25/02)

Effective January 1, 2012, employees occupying positions under Job Codes 5137 and 5139 or under Job Codes 5137N and 5139N, who are hired on or after January 1, 2012, shall receive an additional five percent compensation above the employee’s base salary upon establishing proof of certification from the appropriate American Specialty Board. Continuously maintaining such certification is required to remain eligible for this additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 3/13/12)

3-12.12 – Employees occupying positions under Job Codes 5743N, 6491, 6491N, and 6492 shall be compensated an additional ten percent (10%) when licensed and assigned to administer medications.  (BOS approved amendment 6/9/20)

3-12.19 -Employees in the following Job Codes may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for that classification, as determined by the Director of Health Care Services: 0225EM (effective 11/14/10, BOS approved 11/2/10); 0302PA (effective 3/7/10, BOS approved 2/9/10); 0310PA, 0313SM, 0401SM  (effective 3/15/15, BOS approved 3/10/15); 0316SM (effective 10/15/23); 1500SM (effective 6/6/16, BOS approved 5/24/16); 5021NM (effective 6/28/20, BOS approved 6/23/20); 5039, 5041, 5044EM, 5045EM (effective 5/26/13,BOS approved 5/21/13); 5046SM (effective 6/14/20, BOS approved 6/9/20); 5047SM, 5049PA (BOS approved 3/11/08); 5055SM (effective 6/17/16, BOS approved 7/12/16); 5056EM (BOS approved 12/19/17); 5061SM, 5062SM (effective 7/2/17, BOS approved 6/27/17): 5063SM, 5064SM (effective 1/12/20; BOS approved 1/14/20); 5065SM, 5067SM, 5069SM (effective 4/13/14, BOS approved 4/8/14), 5071PA; 5074SM (effective 1/24/21; BOS approved 1/12/21); 5075SM (effective 2/3/13, BOS approved 1/29/13); 5077SM, 5079SM, 5080SM, 5086SM (effective 1/25/09, BOS approved 1/27/09); 5087SM (effective 2/5/23); 5088PA, 5091SM (BOS approved 12/19/17); 5095PA (effective 12/21/14, BOS approved 12/16/14); 5096SM (effective 09/20/09, BOS approved 9/15/09); 5098SM (effective 3/21/10, BOS approved 3/16/10); 5099 (effective 3/19/23);  5390PA (effective 7/29/18, BOS approved 7/24/18); 5391PA (effective 10/3/10, BOS approved 9/28/10); 5643PA (effective 9/23/07); 5681EM (effective 11/1/20); 5693SM (effective 2/1/15, BOS approved 1/27/15); 5760SM (effective 2/14/16, BOS approved 2/2/16); 5777PA, 5778SM (effective 7/28/19, BOS approved 7/23/19); 5782SM (effective 3/26/17, BOS approved 3/21/17); 5789SM (effective 9/24/17, BOS approved 9/12/17); 5791SM (effective 9/23/07); 5801SM (effective 11/15/09, BOS approved 11/10/09); 6141PA, 6186SM, 6187SM (effective 3/5/23); 6188SM (effective 2/5/23); 6494SM, 6645SM, 6516SM, 6517SM (effective 4/4/10, BOS approved 3/30/10); 6518PA (effective 11/14/10, BOS approved 11/2/10); 6530 effective 5/14/23), 6531 (effective 5/14/23), 6647SM (effective 1/25/09, BOS approved 1/27/09); 6780SM (effective 7/28/19, BOS approved 7/23/19); 6910PA (effective 7/28/19, BOS approved 12/19/17); (BOS approved amendment 2/4/20); (BOS approved amendment 10/20/20); (BOS approved amendment 1/12/21); (BOS approved amendment 2/7/23 ); (BOS approved amendment 2/28/23); (BOS approved amendment 3/14/23); (BOS approved amendment 5/16/23); (BOS approved amendment 6/13/23); (BOS approved amendment 10/10/23)

3-12.21 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1498SM when assigned to manage the Substitute Payee Program shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-12.23 – Persons employed under Job Codes 5383 and 5383N, when qualified and assigned to perform a full range of primary care related duties in a general medical setting (as opposed to a specialty clinic setting) shall receive an additional 5.4 percent compensation.

3-12.24 – Salary increases of more than 22 percent above the first step for positions under Job Code 0212SM require the approval of the Human Resource Services Department and the Agency Director or his/her designee. Salary increases resulting from the annual salary adjustment require only the approval of the Agency Director or his/her designee.

3-12.25 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 6640P, assigned to the Pre-Vocational Program shall be compensated an additional 5 percent.

3-12.26 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-12.32 – Persons employed under items #5301N and 5305 shall be compensated an additional $8.00 per shift, in addition to such other compensation as may be provided, when assigned as a Charge Nurse for four hours or more per shift, not to exceed one person per work unit or clinic.

3-12.37 – Persons employed under Job Codes 5135, 5137, 5383, or 5887 may be compensated at any step in the salary range for that classification as determined by the Agency Director and the Director of Human Resource Services.

3-12.38 – Not to exceed one person under Job Code 0305M in the Alcohol and Drug Department when assigned department-wide responsibility for coordination, review, and submission of all grants shall be compensated an additional 7 � percent.

3-12.42 – The provisions of paragraph 1 of Section 4-1 of this ordinance do not apply to employees in Job Codes 5300, 5301N, 5305, 5315, 5337, 5383, and 5383N. Movement through the salary ranges for these classes shall be as set forth herein. After an employee completes the equivalent of 26 full-time biweekly pay periods of service in the same classification, at the first, second, third, or fourth steps, s/he shall advance to the next step. After an employee completes the equivalent of 104 full-time biweekly pay periods of service in the same classification at the fifth step, s/he shall advance to the next step. After an employee completes the equivalent of 52 full-time biweekly pay periods of service in the same classification at the sixth step, s/he shall advance to the next step.

Effective December 14, 2008, employees will advance to the eighth step after one year of continuous service at the seventh step.

3-12.43 – Persons employed under Job Codes 0424SM and 5068SM may be compensated at any step in the salary range as determined by the Department Head and approved by the Director of Human Resource Services.

3-12.44 – (BOS approved deletion 10/29/19)

3-12.48 – One person occupying a position under Job Code 1495 when assigned the additional responsibilities of providing formal on-the-job training and performing manual quality assurance audits to agency or departmental employees, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. Persons providing formal on-the-job training only to those employees supervised as part of their regular assignment are not eligible for this additional compensation.

3-12.49 – Persons employed under Job Codes 5383 or 5383N, when assigned to act as a lead over a unit of at least two other Mid-Level Practitioners, Clinical Nurses or Licensed Vocational Nurses shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-12.51 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 6495 or 6495P when assigned lead responsibilities in the Substance Abuse Services unit shall receive 5 percent additional compensation.

3-12.52 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1138SM, when providing training in the Information Systems Division of Health Care Services Agency, Mental Health Services, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. Persons providing formal training only to those employees supervised as part of their regular assignment are not eligible for this additional compensation.

3-12.53 – One person occupying a position under Job Code 5620SM when assigned as the Communicable Disease Division Director shall receive an additional 10 percent compensation.

3-12.55 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 6316, requiring a “Forensic Specialty” approved by the Civil Service Commission, when assigned to regularly serve as the “expert witness” in the Department of Mental Health Services court proceedings shall receive an additional 10 percent compensation.

3-12.56 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 5305, when assigned to serve as the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Program Coordinator for Alameda County, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-12.57 – (BOS approved deletion 4/19/16 effective 5/8/16)

3-12.58 – Not to exceed nine persons under Job Codes 6492, 6497, 6510 and 6640, when assigned in writing by the department head to provide direction, prioritize, coordinate, and assign the work of other Mental Health Specialists, Marriage, Family and Child Counselors, Psychiatric Social Workers, Clinical Nurses and Rehabilitation Counselors in a service team within the Behavioral Health Care Services Department, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-12.61 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 6510 or Job Code 6497 (Job Code 6497 effective February 24, 2008) when assigned to serve as the Residential Care Level 13/14 Placement Coordinator shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-12.62 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 6316 when assigned lead responsibilities in the Guidance Clinic shall receive and additional 5 percent compensation.

3-12.63 – Not to exceed one person in the Tuberculosis Field Nursing and TB Control in the Public Health Department occupying a position under Job Code 5391PA shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation when assigned to serve as the Tuberculosis Controller and to manage the Tuberculosis Program.

3-12.65 – Persons employed under Job Codes 5139 and 5139N shall receive an additional five percent compensation when designated in writing and assigned lead responsibility over a group of employees in the same Job Code number.

3-12.67 – Effective September 10, 2006, one position (position 310413) under Job Code 1142 (Administrative Assistant) shall receive an additional five percent compensation for specialized work to comply with the State mandated Performance Outcomes Program requiring technical skills related to database management and project management.

3-12.68 – Effective September 10, 2006, one position (position 310858) under Job Code 1142 (Administrative Assistant) shall receive an additional five percent compensation for specialized and independent work related to the Contracting and Monitoring section, and assisting with operational studies.

3-12.69 -Effective July 10, 2022, not to exceed ten (10) employees  in Job Codes 5139NM and/or 5139N who perform the full range of criminal justice mental health services and psychiatric care duties in the Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services shall receive an additional 25% compensation of base pay. The compensation authorized by this footnote will  be subject to a review by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before July 8, 2024 .(BOS approved 12/13/06) (BOS approved 7/22/08). (BOS approved 3/13/12 new eff. dates) (BOS approved 3/24/15) (BOS approved 9/15/15) (BOS approved 1/12/16) (BOS approved 3/8/16) (BOS approved 7/24/18) (BOS approved amendment 12/4/18) (BOS approved 7/19/22)

3-12.70 – Effective December 31, 2006, the salary level within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of Job Code 5050SE (Director of Health Care Services) shall be determined by the Board of Supervisors. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the five step plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-12.71 – Effective September 23, 2007, not to exceed one employee occupying a position under Job Code 5143 when assigned by the Director, Health Care Services Agency to serve in the dual role of both the Director of Public Health and County Health Officer, shall be compensated an additional four percent.

3-12.72 – Not to exceed one employee occupying a position in Job Code 0229 when assigned lead responsibilities over a comparable job code when working on the preparation of the annual Health Care Services Agency budget and other special projects assigned by the Director, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 6/17/08)

3-12.73 – (BOS approved deletion 2/7/17 effective 2/12/17)

3-12.74 – Effective October 4, 2009, not to exceed one employee occupying a position under Job Code 5143SM when assigned by the Director, Health Care Services Agency, to serve as the role of the County Health Officer, shall be compensated an additional five percent. (BOS approved 9/22/09)

3-12.75 – Effective October 4, 2009, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1462 when assigned lead responsibilities over the other Health Care Claims Examiner I and/or II positions in the Claims Processing Center, shall receive an additional five percent (BOS approved 9/22/09)

3-12.76 – Effective January 24, 2010, one position under Job Code 1315M, Accounting Technician, when assigned the supervision of Job Code 1497, Patient Services Technician II in the Health Care Services Agency, shall be compensated 5% above the Patient Services Technician II. (BOS approved 1/12/10)

3-12.77 – Effective September 19, 2010, not to exceed one person occupying the position under Job Code 6415, when assigned “lead” responsibilities over one or more employees in the Alameda County Asthma Start program, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 9/14/10)

3-12.78 – Effective May 29, 2011, not to exceed one person occupying the position under Job Code 0217MA, when assigned “lead” responsibilities over one or more employees in the same job code in the Finance Unit, with the Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services Department, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 5/24/11)

3-12.79 – Effective February 10, 2008, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1120, when directed by the Agency/Department Head or his/her designee to perform duties of videotaping and photographing training, conferences and other events, operating video editing and lighting equipment, producing multiple copies of videos for training purposes, downloading digital images from camera to computer, and other related videography and photography duties, for four or more hours per pay period, shall receive, for that pay period, an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 9/20/11)

3-12.80 – Effective February 19, 2012, not to exceed one position under Job Code 5785SM, when assigned highly technical and specialized administrative and programming responsibilities over the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, Public Health Department’s Geographic Information System, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 2/7/12)

3-12.81 – Effective July 8, 2012, not to exceed one position under Job Code 6645SM, when assigned leadership, direction and oversight responsibilities for the Ashland Youth Center in the Health Care Services Agency, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 6/26/12)

3-12.82 – (BOS approved deletion 3/12/19)

3-12.83 – Effective December 6, 2015, not to exceed one position in Job Code 1460NM, when assigned lead functions over equivalent positions of Medical Records Technicians, in the Public Health Departments California Children’s Service (CCS) Program, shall be compensated an additional five percent of base pay (BOS approved 12/1/15).

3-12.84 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-12.85 – Effective September 24, 2017, not to exceed one person under Job Code 6706NM, when assigned the additional responsibility of providing formal substance abuse training and consultation to Health Care Services Agency and CBO staff, shall be compensated an additional five percent. (BOS approved 9/12/17)

3-12.86 -(BOS approved11/7/17 and 8/7/18 effective 11/14/20)

3-12.87 –  Effective March 11, 2018, employees occupying positions under Job Codes 5141 and 5143, and effective December 11, 2022, an employee occupying a position under Job Code 5142, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation above the employee’s base salary upon establishing proof of certification from the appropriate American Specialty Board. Continuously maintaining such certification is required to remain eligible for this additional five percent (5%) compensation of base pay.

In addition to the compensation provided in this note above, effective- March 11, 2018, employees occupying positions under Job Codes 5141 and 5143, who are Board-certified in child psychiatry, and who are regularly assigned to supervise Physician II (Job Code 5137) and Physician III (Job Code 5139) performing a full range of psychiatric-care related duties in a Children’s Services Unit in the Behavioral Health Care Services Department, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of base pay, upon established proof of eligibility for certification from the appropriate American Specialty Board. (BOS approved 2/6/18) (BOS approved 12/6/22)

3-12.88 – (BOS approved 7/24/18) (BOS approved 10/20/20)

3-12.89 – Effective February 24, 2020, not to exceed three (3) employees in Job Code #5305NM (Registered Nurse II) in the Division of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention – Immunization Unit, when formally assigned as the primary trainer to other professional-level health care nursing staff, shall be compensated an additional five percent (5%) of the base pay. Such additional compensation shall only apply to the hours the employee(s) are assigned to conduct training at the discretion of the Public Health Director, and/or their designee. (BOS approved 4/21/20)

3-12.90 Effective December 27, 2020, employees in Job Codes 6505NM, 6510NM, 6496NM, 6497NM, 6638NM, and 6640NM, assigned to work at Santa Rita Jail (“SRJ”), are required to participate in pre-planned use of force (“PPUF”) incidents with Alameda County Sheriff’s Office sworn staff, to include the facilitation of crisis intervention, de-escalation and therapeutic needs of a client, shall be compensated an additional 15% of the base pay.

Employees in Job Codes 6505NM, 6510NM, 6496NM, 6497NM, 6638NM, and 6640NM who are not regularly assigned to work at SRJ, but work overtime shifts at SRJ, are required to participate in PPUF incidents shall be compensated an additional 15% of the base pay when working such shifts. (BOS approved 12/15/20) (BOS approved amendment 1/12/21)

3-12.91– (BOS approved 12/15/20) (BOS approved amendment 1/12/21) (BOS approved amendment 6/29/21)(BOS approved 4/2/24)

3-12.92 – Effective December 27, 2020, employees in Job Codes #6527SM and #6525SM, assigned to work at Santa Rita Jail, are required to participate in and have supervisory oversight of the clinician’s role in pre-planned use of force incidents with Alameda County Sheriff’s Office sworn staff, to include crisis intervention, de-escalation and therapeutic needs of a client, shall be compensated an additional 15% of the base pay. (BOS approved amendment 1/12/21)

3-12.93 –  Effective January 23, 2022, persons newly hired with the County of Alameda on or after January 23, 2022 into the classification groups (Job Code (“JC”) 6490 and/or 6491), (JCs 6638 and/or 6640), (JCs 6505 and/or #6528), (JCs 6510 and/or #6529), or individual JC#s 6492, 6497, 6525, 6527 and 5065; effective May 14, 2023, persons newly hired in JC#s 6530 and 6531; and effective April 14, 2024, persons newly hired in JC 6532, assigned to Santa Rita Jail, shall receive a one-time hiring incentive to be paid in specified increments over a three (3) year period as follows:

Mental Health Specialist I (JC #6490), Mental Health Specialist II (JC #6491) and/or Forensic Mental Health Specialist (JC 6532) – $8,000
• $1,500 after completion of 6-months (13-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,000 after completion of 1-year (26-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,000 after completion of 2-years (52-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,500 after completion of 3-years (78-pay periods) of employment following hire date

Rehabilitation Counselor I (JC #6638) and/or Rehabilitation Counselor II (JC #6640) – $8,000
• $1,500 after completion of 6-months (13-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,000 after completion of 1-year (26-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,000 after completion of 2-years (52-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,500 after completion of 3-years (78-pay periods) of employment following hire date

Mental Health Specialist III (JC #6492) amd/or Forensic Mental Health Specialist (JC 6532) – $8,000
• $1,500 after completion of 6-months (13-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,000 after completion of 1-year (26-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,000 after completion of 2-years (52-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,500 after completion of 3-years (78-pay periods) of employment following hire date

Marriage and Family Therapist II (JC #6497) – $12,000
• $2,000 after completion of 6-months (13-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,500 after completion of 1-year (26-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $3,000 after completion of 2-years (52-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $4,500 after completion of 3-years (78-pay periods) of employment following hire date

Behavioral Health Clinician I (JC #6505) and/or Forensic Behavioral Health Clinician I (JC #6528) – $12,000
• $2,000 after completion of 6-months (13-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,500 after completion of 1-year (26-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $3,000 after completion of 2-years (52-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $4,500 after completion of 3-years (78-pay periods) of employment following hire date

Behavioral Health Clinician II (JC #6510) and/or Forensic Behavioral Health Clinician II (JC #6529) – $12,000
• $2,000 after completion of 6-months (13-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $2,500 after completion of 1-year (26-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $3,000 after completion of 2-years (52-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $4,500 after completion of 3-years (78-pay periods) of employment following hire date

Behavioral Health Clinical Supervisor (JC #6525) and/or Forensic Behavioral Health Clinical Supervisor (JC #6530) – $14,000
• $2,500 after completion of 6-months (13-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $3,000 after completion of 1-year (26-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $4,000 after completion of 2-years (52-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $4,500 after completion of 3-years (78-pay periods) of employment following hire date

Behavioral Health Clinical Manager (JC #6527) and/or Forensic Behavioral Health Manager (JC #6531) – $15,500
• $3,000 after completion of 6-months (13-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $3,500 after completion of 1-year (26-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $4,000 after completion of 2-years (52-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $5,000 after completion of 3-years (78-pay periods) of employment following hire date

Assistant Director, Forensic, Diversion & Re-Entry System of Care (JC # 5065) – $17,000
• $3,000 after completion of 6-months (13-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $4,000 after completion of 1-year (26-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $4,500 after completion of 2-years (52-pay periods) of employment following hire date
• $5,500 after completion of 3-years (78-pay periods) of employment following hire date

Newly hired employees shall only be entitled to one ( 1) recruitment bonus based on date of hire.

This provision shall sunset effective June 30, 2027 and shall be deleted from the Salary Ordinance upon the sunset date. (BOS approved3/8/22) (BOS approved 6/13/23) (BOS approved 4/2/24) (BOS approved 6/4/24)

3-12.94 – Effective January 23, 2022, not to exceed one (1) employee occupying a position under Job Code 5143SM who oversees critical operations for psychiatric care in the Criminal Justice Mental Health Services at the Santa Rita Jail shall receive an additional twenty-five percent (25%) compensation of the base pay.This footnote shall sunset effective December 31, 2025 and shall be deleted from the Salary Ordinance upon the sunset date.(BOS approved 3/8/22)

3-12.95 – Effective June 12, 2022, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 0305PA in the Health Care Services Agency, Alameda County Behavioral Health, Vocational Services Division, when assigned lead responsibilities for providing oversight, guidance, training, coaching and interpreting program policies to staff within the respective assigned program, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of the base pay. This footnote shall be reviewed by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before January 1 of each year. (BOS approved 6/7/22) (BOS approved 3/26/24)

3-12.96 – Effective November 13, 2022, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 5788 in the Health Care Services Agency, Office of the Agency Director, who oversees the Health Care Services Agency’s emergency disaster planning, shall receive an additional ten percent (10%) compensation of the base pay. This footnote shall be reviewed by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before November 13, 2024. (BOS approved 11/8/22)

3-12.97 – Effective February 19, 2023, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 5047 in the Health Care Services Agency, Public Health Department, when assigned responsibility for redesigning new processes and models to facilitate continuous quality improvement and the reinvention of public health infrastructure, shall be compensated an additional fifteen percent (15%) compensation of the base pay. This footnote shall be reviewed by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before December 31, 2025. (BOS approved 3/21/23)

3-12.98 – Effective January 9, 2022, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code #5320, when assigned the responsibilities of training Health Care Services Agency clinical staff on First Call Duty Officer duties and having oversight of the Alameda County Public Health Department’s Duty Officer program on behalf of the County of Alameda, shall receive an additional eight percent (8%) compensation of the base pay. This footnote shall be reviewed by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before January 4, 2025.  (BOS approved 2/28/23)

3-12.99 – Effective March 19, 2023, employees hired prior to January 23, 2022, and assigned to Santa Rita Jail in the listed classification groups (Job Code (“JC”) 6490 and/or 6491), (JCs 6638 and/or 6640),(JCs 6505 and/or 6528), (JCs 6510 and/or 6529), or individual JC #s 6492 or 6497, and effective April 14, 2024, JC 6532, shall receive a one-time retention bonus to be paid over a 3-year period:

Mental Health Specialist I (JC #6490), Mental Health Specialist II (JC #6491) and/or Forensic Mental Health Specialist  (JC 6532) – $8,000
• $500 after completion of 6-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $650 after completion of 12-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $850 after completion of 19-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $1,500 after completion of 26-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $2,250 after completion of 52-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $2,250 after completion of 78-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.

Mental Health Specialist III (JC #6492) and/or Forensic Mental Health Specialist (JC 6532) – $8,000
• $500 after completion of 6-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $650 after completion of 12-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $850 after completion of 19-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $1,500 after completion of 26-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $2,250 after completion of 52-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $2,250 after completion of 78-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.

Rehabilitation Counselor I (JC #6638) and/or Rehabilitation Counselor II (JC #6640) – $8,000
• $500 after completion of 6-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $650 after completion of 12-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $850 after completion of 19-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $1,500 after complet ion of 26-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $2,250 after complet ion of 52-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $2,250 after complet ion of 78-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.

Marriage and Family Therapist II (JC #6497) – $12,000
• $1,000 after completion of 6-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $1,300 after completion of 12-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $1,700 after completion of 19-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $2,000 after completion of 26-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $3,000 after completion of 52-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $3,000 after completion of 78-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.

Behavioral Health Clinician I (JC 6505) or Forensic Behavioral Health Clinician I (JC #6528) or Behavioral Health Clinician II (JC #6510) or Forensic Behavioral Health Clinician II (JC #6529) – $12,000
• $1,000 after completion of 6-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $1,300 after completion of 12-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $1,700 after completion of 19-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $2,000 after completion of 26-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $3,000 after completion of 52-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.
• $3,000 after completion of 78-pay periods of continuous service following March 19, 2023.

Those employees who qualify for the retention bonus under this subsection shall only be eligible for one-time retention bonus based on their assignment and continuous service as of March 19, 2023.  An employee who is promoted or reclassified to a different classification shall not be eligible for additional retention bonuses in a different job code.

This provision shall sunset effective June 30, 2027 and shall be deleted from the Salary Ordinance upon the sunset date. (BOS approved 3/23/23)  (BOS approved 6/13/23) (BOS approved 4/2/24) (BOS approved 6/4/24)

3-12.100 – Effective May 28, 2023, existing employees hired prior to January 23, 2022, in Job Codes (6525 and/or 6530), or (6527 and/or 6531), and assigned to Santa Rita Jail shall receive a one-time retention bonus to be paid over a 3-year period, with the first year in quarterly installments, based on their combined total time within the classification groups listed below after May 28, 2023, as follows:

Behavioral Health Clinical Supervisor (JC#6525) and/or Forensic Behavioral Health Clinical Supervisor (JC #6530) – $14,000
• $1,350 after completion of 6-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.
• $1,800 after completion of 12-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.
• $2,250 after completion of 19-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.
• $2,600 after completion of 26-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.
• $3,000 after completion of 52-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.
• $3,000 after completion of 78-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.

Behavioral Health Clinical Manager (JC #6527) and/or Forensic Behavioral Health Manager (JC #6531) – $15,500
• $1,700 after completion of 6-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.
• $2,200 after completion of 12-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.
• $2,800 after completion of 19-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.
• $3,300 after completion of 26-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.
• $2,750 after completion of 52-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.
• $2,750 after completion of 78-pay periods of employment effective May 28, 2023.

Those employees who qualify for the retention bonus under this subsection shall only be eligible for one-time retention bonus based on their assignment and continuous service as of May 28, 2023. An employee who is promoted or reclassified to a different classification shall not be eligible for additional retention bonuses in a different job code. This provision shall sunset effective June 30, 2027 and shall be deleted from the Salary Ordinance upon the sunset date.  (BOS approved 6/13/23)

3-12.101 – Effective May 28, 2023, employees in Job Codes 6525, 6527, 6530 and 6531 when assigned to Santa Rita Jail to provide either mandatory after-hours (defined as a shift that is at least 8-hours but less than 16-hours) or 24- hour (defined as a shift that is or more of which falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or County observed holiday) shift coverage for emergency calls in lieu of onsite coverage, in addition to their regular assignment, shall be eligible for on-call pay and compensated as follows:

After-Hours Shift: one hundred sixty dollars ($160) per after-hours shift.

24-Hour Shift: four hundred thirty dollars ($430) per 24-hour shift.

This provision shall sunset effective June 30, 2027 and shall be deleted from the Salary Ordinance upon the sunset date. (BOS approved 6/13/23)

3-12.102 – Effective June 23, 2024, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 0424, when assigned the additional responsibilities associated with the programmatic policy use of the Alameda County Health Social Health Information Exchange, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of the base pay. This footnote shall be reviewed by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before January 2025, and annually thereafter. (BOS approved 7/9/24)



3-13.2 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1220M shall receive an additional 7 percent compensation when assigned responsibility for overall office procedures management and coordination of the work of the secretaries of several Human Resource Services divisions.

3-13.3 – Persons employed under Job Codes 0261SM, 0262SM, 0263CA, 0265CA, 0266CA, 0267PA, 0268CA, 0269CA, 0273, 0276CA (effective 10/12/14), 0277SM, 0279CA, 0280CA, 0281SM, 0282CA, 0283CA, 0284PA, 0285SM, 0290EM, 0291PA, 0292SM (effective 4/4/10), 0293SM (effective 8/5/12), and 0296SM (effective 3/11/18), 0457 (effective 3/19/23), 0463SM (effective 6/9/13), 0464CA (effective 4/9/17), 0466PA, 0467CA, 0468SM, 0471SM, 0473SM, 0474PA, 0477PA, 0479PA, 0482PA, 0483PA and 0294SM (effective 10/8/17) may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for that classification as determined by the Department Head. (BOS approved 0463M 6/4/13)(BOS approved 0464CA 3/28/17)(BOS approved 0294SM 10/3/17) (BOS approved 0296SM effective 2/6/18) (BOS approved amendment 11/24/20) (BOS approved 11/8/22) (BOS approved 3/21/23)

Provided further that in order to receive a salary in the top five percent (5%) of the salary range, those persons employed under Job Codes 0261SM, 0262SM, 0263CA, 0266CA, 0267PA, 0268CA, 0273, 0277SM, 0280CA, 0281SM, 0282CA,0284PA, 0285SM, and 0290EM, 0291PA, 0292SM (effective 4/4/10), 0293SM (effective 8/5/12), 0463M (effective 6/9/13), 0466PA, 0467CA, 0468PA and 0473SM must be assigned, on a regular basis, the most difficult and/or sensitive projects, or have administrative/managerial responsibilities not ordinarily part of their on-going assignment, and/or performance evaluations deemed by the Department Head to be extraordinary. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees. (BOS approved 0467CA 3/11/08) (BOS approved 0292SM 3/30/10) (BOS approved 0293SM 7/24/12) (BOS approved 0463M 6/4/13) (BOS approved amendment 11/24/20) (BOS approved 11/8/22) (BOS approved 3/21/23)

3-13.4 – Not to exceed two persons under Job Code 0284PA when assigned lead responsibility over persons in the same Job Code number may be compensated up to 10 percent of their base salary, at the discretion of the Department Head.

3-13.5 – Not to exceed two positions in Job Code 1122 or 0269CA when designated by the Director, Human Resource Services to perform lead responsibilities shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. This additional compensation shall end upon the determination of the Director, Human Resource Services that it is no longer needed.

3-13.6 – Effective October 6, 2008, not to exceed three positions under Job Code 0280PA when assigned either lead responsibility over persons in the same, or an equivalent Job Code, or lead responsibility associated with the Temporary Assignment Pool (TAP) Program may be compensated an additional five percent of their base salary at the discretion of the Department Head. (BOS approved amendment 10/21/08)

3-13.7 – The salary level within the range of salaries shown for the incumbent of 0295SE (Director of Human Resource Services), shall be determined by the County Administrator. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-13.8 – Persons employed under Job Code 0275 may be compensated at any hourly rate in the salary range for that class as determined by the Department Head.

3-13.9 – Not to exceed one person in the Human Resource Services Department under Job Code 0214PA or 0219PA, when assigned lead responsibilities over persons in the same or an equivalent Job Code performing professional administrative duties shall receive an additional 7.5 percent compensation.

3-13.10 – Effective June 23, 2002, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 0219PA, when assigned to manage the countywide PREQ System and, in addition, is assigned responsibility for the countywide PeopleSoft Human Resource Management System training, shall receive an additional 10 percent compensation.

3-13.11 – Persons employed under Job Codes 0199N effective 6/3/18 0201N, 0205N, 0610N, 0611N, 1293N, 1294N (effective 3/18/12), 1780N, 1781N, and 1782N, shall be compensated at any hourly amount within the salary range for those classifications, as determined by the Director of Human Resource Services. (BOS approved 1294N 3/13/12) (BOS approved 0199N 5/22/18)

3-13.12 – The salary level for 120-day retirees in Job Codes 1090, 1091, 1092, and 1093 will be determined by the Director of Human Resource Services.

3-13.13 – (BOS approved deletion 7/22/08 effective 6/15/08)

3-13.14 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 0268CA, when assigned and performing the HRMS salary administration function and supervision of the Validation Processors Unit, may be compensated up to an additional 10 percent.

3-13.15 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-13.16 – Effective April 22, 2018, not to exceed one person occupying the position under Job Code 0292SM, who is assigned overall responsibility for the Human Resource Services Human Resources (HR) Trainee program and provides technical HR oversight for one or more County Departments/Agencies, shall be compensated up to an additional 10% of their base salary. (BOS approved 12/7/10) (BOS approved amendment 4/17/18)

3-13.17 – Effective June 13, 2021, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 0291CA and one (1) additional employee in Job Code 0293SM in the absence of said employee in Job Code 0291CA, in the Personnel Services Division of the Human Resource Services Department, when assigned, in addition to their regular assignment, the primary system administration and on-call support for the online recruitment and testing system, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of the base pay (BOS approved 9/18/12) (BOS approved amendment 11/17/20) (BOS approved 6/8/21).

3-13.18 – Effective April 22, 2018, employees in Job Code 0283PA and Job Code 0284PA, when performing the full-time responsibility of a Labor Relations Analyst and one (1) employee in Job Code 0281PA when performing the full-time responsibility of a Principal Labor Relations Analyst, shall be compensated an additional 5 percent (5%) of the base pay: when assigned overall responsibilities for the human resources functions for an Operating Department/Agency. (BOS approved amendment 3/10/20)

In addition to the compensation provided in this note above, employees in Job Codes 0283PA, 0284PA and 0281PA, shall be compensated an additional 5 percent (5%) of the base pay when assigned supervision of Human Resources Trainee(s), and/or Departmental Human Resources Officer(s) and/or professional and/or technical staff for an Operating Department/Agency. (BOS approved 4/22/14) (BOS approved 2/3/15) (BOS approved 1/12/16) (BOS approved 10/4/16) (BOS approved 12/6/16) (BOS approved 9/26/17) (BOS approved amendment 4/17/18) (BOS approved amendment 3/10/20)

3-13.19 – Effective March 11, 2018, not to exceed one position of Job Code 0468SM Disability Program Supervisor, when assigned overall program coordination responsibility over the County’s Re-entry Program shall receive an additional 5% compensation (BOS approved, 6/30/15) (BOS approved 5/8/18)

3-13.20 – Effective June 4, 2017, persons employed under Job Code 1095NM, and Effective October 8, 2017, person employed under Job Code 1096NM may be compensated at any biweekly amount, within the range of salaries shown for that classification, as determined by the Agency/Department Head and approved by the Human Resource Services Director or their designee(s). (BOS approved 5/23/17) (BOS approved 9/26/17)

3-13.21 – Effective August 12, 2018, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 0293SM, when assigned, in addition to the regular assignment, direct responsibility of the meet and confer process for the creation of new job classifications and job specification revisions, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation. (BOS approved 8/7/18)

3-13.22- (BOS approved deletion 8/7/18 effective 8/10/19)



3-14.1 – Persons occupying positions under Job Codes 6103, 6108, 6110, 6115, 6132 and 6133N, assigned to Santa Rita Rehabilitation Center full-time, shall be entitled to one meal per day in addition to the compensation specified.

3-14.2 – Effective May 31, 2009, five persons holding positions under Job Code 6122SM, one assigned as the Office Manager of the Fremont Office, one assigned as the Office Manager of the Pleasanton Office, one assigned as the Office Manager of the Hayward Office, one assigned as the Office Manager of the Eastmont Mall Office, and one assigned as the Office Manager of the Las Vistas Training Center, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 1/24/06) (BOS approved 9/15/09 revision effective September 20, 2009- four positions to five) (BOS approved 10/27/09 to be effective May 31, 2009)

3-14.3 – Persons occupying positions under Job Codes 1205, 1210, 1212, 1220M, 6108, 6110, 6115 and 6121SM, at Los Cerros and Chabot and whose duties prevent leaving the grounds for meals, shall be entitled to regular meals occurring at Los Cerros or Chabot during the hours that they are on such duty at those facilities.

3-14.4 – Persons occupying positions under Job Codes 6210, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217SM, 6225SM, 6235SM, 6260SM and 6270SM, assigned to Department Institutions and whose duties prevent leaving the grounds for meals, shall be entitled to regular meals occurring at the Juvenile Hall, Los Cerros, Chabot, or the Alameda County medical institutions during the hours that they are on duty at those facilities.

3-14.5 – Persons occupying positions under Job Codes 1205, 1210, 1212, 6110, 6115 and 6122SM, when assigned to the Family Crisis Intervention Unit and whose duties prevent leaving the grounds for meals, shall be entitled to regular meals during the hours that they are on duty.

3-14.6 – (BOS approved deletion 2/22/11 effective 3/6/11)

3-14.7 – Not to exceed two employees occupying full-time positions under Job Code 6215, when performing duties normally assigned to incumbents of positions in Job Code 6217SM and not to exceed one employee occupying a full-time position under Job Code 6217SM when performing duties assigned to incumbents of positions in Job Code 6225M, shall be compensated at the pay rate for the higher level class for those shifts worked at the higher level, when the higher level duties are regularly and specifically assigned and when such assignment is not compensable under Section 6-5 of this Ordinance.

3-14.8 – One person occupying a position under Job Code 6120PA, when assigned as Supervisor of Special Services, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-14.9 – Persons occupying positions under Job Codes 1120N, 1128, 1128N, and Job Code 1129, assigned to the Juvenile Hall receiving office, whose duties prevent leaving the grounds for meals, shall be entitled to regular meals occurring at Juvenile Hall during the hours that they are on duty at those facilities.

3-14.10 – One person holding a position under Job Code 1131, when assigned lead responsibilities in the Hayward Information Service Office, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. (BOS approved 6/25/02)

3-14.13 – Upon the recommendation of the Agency/Department Head and the approval of the Director of Human Resource Services, persons employed less than full-time in classes within Representation Unit 001 in positions designated as requiring fluency in a language other than English, shall receive additional compensation prorated from a base rate of $21 for 80 hours scheduled per pay period.

3-14.15 – Any Probation Department employee, when certified by STC as an instructor qualified to provide “Standards and Training for Corrections” instruction, shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed $60 per hour when providing such instruction. This rate is effective only when the County receives full reimbursement from the Corrections Standards Authority of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. In the event that full reimbursement is unavailable to the County, Probation Department employees shall not receive the additional compensation for providing instruction. (BOS approved 7/22/08)

If STC instruction is provided during employee’s scheduled work hours, the compensation is in addition to the regular compensation for the position, provided the employee is on approved paid leave or unpaid leave status. (BOS approved 9/11/12)

3-14.17 – Persons occupying positions under Job Code 6115 when assigned the duties and responsibilities of Superior Court Officer shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-14.18 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 0229SM shall be compensated at the same schedule of rates of Job Code 6124SM, when assigned the supervision of employees having Peace Officer status involved in the provision of service delivery programs to the staff and clientele of the department.

3-14.20 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of Job Code 6150SE (Chief Probation Officer) shall be determined by the County Administrator. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-14.21 – (BOS approved deletion 9/9/07)

3-14.22 – Effective July 13, 2008, an employee who is regularly assigned as an Institutional Supervisor II, Job Code 6225, who is assigned to work an additional full 8 hour shift, performing the job duties of Job Code 6217, shall be compensated at step five at the time and a half rate (1.5) for Job Code 6217. This compensation shall only be provided when the Superintendent, Juvenile Hall and/or Senior Institutional Supervisor has pre-approved the assignment of Job Code 6225 to work in the capacity of Job Code 6217. (BOS approved 9/9/08)

3-14.23 –   (BOS approved 5/2/15 effective 5/10/15) (BOS approved deletion 12/19/23)

3-14.24 – Effective August 2, 2015, not to exceed one position under Job Code 6225SM, when assigned to supervise the functions of the Professional Standards Unit within the Probation Department, shall be compensated five percent above the base salary rate of the Deputy Probation Officer III classification. (BOS approved 7/28/15)

3-14.25 – Persons employed under Job Codes 6145EM and 6124SM (BOS approved 9/29/15,  effective 10/11/15), Job Code 6139PA (BOS approved 5/24/16, effective 6/5/16), Job Codes 6049SM and 6048SM (BOS approved 6/27/17, effective 7/2/17), Job Codes 8586SM and 8587SM (BOS approved 9/26/17, effective 10/8/17) and Job Code 6031SM (BOS approved 2/4/20, effective 1/12/20) may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for that classification, as determined by the Chief Probation Officer. (BOS approved amendment 2/4/20)

3-14.26 – (BOS approved deletion 2/26/19 effective 8/31/19)

3-14.27 – Hiring Incentive Pay. Effective June 9, 2024, employees newly hired or newly promoted (excluding flex promotions from the Juvenile Institutional Officer (“JIO”) Associate (Job Code (“JC”) 6214) classification) into the classifications of JIO Associate (JC 6214) or JIO (JC 6216) on or after June 9, 2024 through September 27, 2025, shall receive a hiring incentive of $15,000 to be paid in increments as follows:

• $2,500 third (3rd) pay period after hire.
• $2,500 six (6) months after hire.
• $3,000 after successful completion of a 12-month probationary period.
• $2,000 after two (2) years of continuous service.
• $2,000 after three (3) years of continuous service.
• $3,000 after four (4) years of continuous service.

Newly hired or newly promoted employees shall only be entitled to one (1) hiring incentive of $15,000 paid in six (6) increments. An eligible JIO Associate who flex promotes to JIO shall continue to progress through and receive the remaining hiring incentive pay increments.

This subsection shall sunset effective November 4, 2029, and shall be deleted from the Salary Ordinance upon the sunset date.  (BOS approved 6/4/24)


3-15.1 – Effective July 30, 2017, persons occupying positions under Job Code 9105D (Laborer) shall be entitled to additional compensation at the rate of $0.49 per hour when assigned to duties of Hoseman-Oiler or Raker. (BOS approved 4/22/14 the increase per hour). (BOS approved 10/3/17 the increase per hour).

3-15.2 – Persons holding positions under Job Code 2182, who are assigned to work as supervising materials testers shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. (BOS approved 6/25/02)

3-15.3 – Effective July 30, 2017, any person occupying a position under Job Code 9616 (Bridge Tender) who formerly occupied the position of Operator Estuary Crossings and is x-scaled due to reclassification, will receive compensation at the rate of $32.90 per hour. (BOS approved 4/22/14 the increase per hour) (BOS approved 9/29/15 the increase per hour) (BOS approved 10/4/16 the increase per hour) (BOS approved 10/3/17 the increase per hour)

3-15.4 – Persons employed under Job Codes 0182SM (effective 2/22/09), 8350 or 8355SM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for the classification, as determined by the Director of Public Works. (BOS approved 0182SM 3/3/09) (BOS approved 2090PA 5/12/09) (BOS approved deletion of 2090 9/24/13)

3-15.5 – (BOS approved deletion 2/4/20)

3-15.6 – The person employed under Job Code 2050EM, shall be ex officio County Surveyor.

3-15.7 – One person employed under Job Code 9355, when permanently assigned by the Department Head on a full-time basis to operate a crane, shall be compensated an additional 5 percent. A person employed under Job Code 9355 assigned to operate a crane in the absence of the one permanently assigned would be eligible for the 5 percent additional only for the operating time worked.

3-15.8 – Effective July 30, 2017, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 9325 (Heavy Truck Driver), when assigned to operate the paint striping truck and maintain the painting apparatus on the truck, shall be entitled to additional compensation at the rate of $1.69 per hour. (BOS approved 7/29/14 the increase per hour) (BOS approved 9/29/15 the increase per hour) (BOS approved 10/4/16 the increase per hour) (BOS approved 10/3/17 the increase per hour)

3-15.9 – Employees in Job Codes 2510, 2515, and 2518 who possess and maintain the Senior Right-of-Way Professional Designation (“SR/ WA”) certification offered by the International Right-of-Way Association shall receive an additional seven percent (7%) compensation as follows:

  1. Effective the date of hire with submission of written proof of SR/WA certification , or
  2. Effective the first full pay period immediately following written submission of proof of SR/WA certification to the Public Works Agency Human Resources Office. (BOS approved 6/27/23)

3-15.11 – Not to exceed three persons occupying positions under Job Code 2148 when assigned lead responsibility within one of the specialized sections of Global Positioning System Surveys, Boundary Determinations and Maps in the County Surveyor section shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-15.12 – Effective January 9, 1998, employees in Job Code 8305 or 8310 who currently possess a Combination Certification (Building Inspection, Plumbing Inspection, Mechanical Inspection, and Electrical Inspection) from the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and who submit the original certification to the departmental personnel officer for verification, shall be compensated at the rate of 7 percent over their normal biweekly rate of pay beginning the pay period after submission and verification of the documentation.

Continued eligibility for the Combination Certification differential is contingent upon the duration of the ICBO certification. The employee is responsible for submitting documentation of renewal of the ICBO Combination Certification.

For those employees who do not currently possess a Combination Certification, the differential will be effective at the beginning of the first pay period after the employee submits the Combination Certification for verification.

3-15.13 – One person employed under Job Code 8309SM, who is certified by the State of California as a registered Civil Engineer, when permanently assigned by the Department Head to perform all of the plan checks for commercial building permits, shall be compensated an additional 7 percent.

3-15.14 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of Job Code 2055SE (Director of Public Works) shall be determined by the County Administrator. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-15.15 – Effective April 14, 2002, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Codes 2175SM, 8355SM, 9521SM, 9522SM, 9523SM, 9524SM, 9525SM, 9527SM, 9529SM, 9531SM, 9533SM, 9534SM, 9536SM, or 9538SM, when assigned by the Director of Public Works to respond to emergencies from the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department, Alameda County Fire Department, and/or the California Highway Patrol, shall be compensated at a flat rate of $175 per week. Effective two pay periods following adoption of the 2017-2022 ACMEA General Government and Confidential MOU by the Board of Supervisors, the flat rate amount shall be increased from $175 per week to $250 per week. (BOS approved increase 2/6/18). This compensation is limited to one employee in Job Codes 2175SM, 8355SM, 9521SM, 9522SM, 9523SM, 9524SM, 9525SM, 9527SM, 9529SM, 9531SM, 9533SM, 9534SM, 9536SM, or 9538SM per week who is responsible for determining:

  1. the severity of the emergency situation;
  2. the necessity to physically respond; and
  3. the appropriate jurisdiction and personnel to respond to the emergency.

The determination/resolution of the emergency may include the performance of any one or more of the following duties:

  • Contacting other County agencies for additional support;
  • Determining and contacting appropriate personnel to respond from the “call-out” list;
  • Resolving construction project issues by contacting the appropriate personnel;
  • Pinpointing the location of Alameda County water tankers;
  • Resolving pump station malfunctions by accessing via computer terminal or by contacting the appropriate personnel; and/or
  • Determining property jurisdiction to ascertain County responsibility.

3-15.16 – Not to exceed two employees occupying positions under Job Code 8310 when performing plans review in the field and office of engineered housing and commercial unit construction shall receive an additional 10 percent compensation.

3-15.17 – (BOS approved deletion 9/24/19)

3-15.18 – Persons occupying positions under Job Codes 0208PA or 2117PA may be compensated at any biweekly amount in the respective salary range for those classes as determined by the Agency Director.

3-15.19 – Effective April 14, 2002, not to exceed one person under Job Code 9527SM when assigned to the West County Hayward based Maintenance Facility shall receive an additional 10 percent compensation.

3-15.20 – Effective September 10, 2006, one position under Job Code 1142 (Administrative Assistant) within the Real Estate/Right of Way Division shall receive an additional five percent compensation for specialized and independent work with appraisals, right-of-way easements, and other acquisitions.

3-15.21 – Effective June 2, 2019, not to exceed two (2) positions under Job Code 9671NM (Stationary Engineer, Public Works Agency), in the Public Works Agency, when serving as a Lead to other line staff in providing training and guidance in the area of electrical engineer and systems management repairs for the SCADA system or when serving as a Lead to field staff or providing lead assistance to Job Code 9521SM (Bridge and Pump Supervisor), the incumbents shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation. (BOS approved 2/11/14) (BOS approved amendment (5/21/19)

3-15.22 – (BOS approved 10/20/20)

3-15-23 – Effective November 12, 2023, not to exceed two (2) employees in Job Codes 8332 and/or 8310, who possess and maintain a current and valid Certified Access Specialist (CASp) Certification issued from the State of California shall be compensated an additional seven percent (7%) of the base pay. (BOS approved 10/3/23)


3-16.1 – Effective May 7, 2017, not to exceed four employees in Job Code 1282 or 1282N when assigned lead responsibilities over persons in Job Codes 1296N1297N and over TAP employees with similar job duties shall be compensated an additional five percent compensation when the number of such employees led is greater than ten or an additional ten percent, when the number of such employees led exceeds twenty, for the duration of an election cycle. (BOS approved 6/25/02)(BOS approved 8/2/16) (BOS approved 4/25/17)

3-16.2 – Effective July 31, 2016, not to exceed three employees in Job Code 1282, or 1282N when assigned lead responsibility over existing elections units shall be compensated an additional five percent. (BOS approved 8/2/16).

3-16.3 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of Job Code 1005SE (Registrar of Voters) shall be determined by the County Administrator. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-16.4 – Effective July 31, 2016, not to exceed two employees in Job Code 1282, or 1282N shall receive an additional five percent compensation for coordination of offsite work related to extensive and specialized, community outreach functions. (BOS approved 8/2/16).

3-16.5 – Effective May 17, 2009, not to exceed one person employed under Job Code 0411, Information Systems Technician II, when assigned the additional responsibilities of supervising and overseeing the Vote Count Room election processing activities, shall be compensated an additional ten percent (10%). (BOS approved 5/12/09)

3-16.6 – Effective May 20, 2018, the salary for positions under Job Code 1007EM shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan. Salary increases within the range of salaries shown, for positions under Job Code 1007EM, require the approval of the Human Resource Services Department, the County Administrator’s Office and the Department. Salary increases resulting from the annual salary adjustments for the classes require only the approval of the Department Head.  (BOS approved 5/8/18)

3-16.7 Effective November 26, 2023, employees in Job Codes 1275N and 1276N shall be compensated at a flat rate amount per session.  For purposes of this subsection, per session means per election cycle.  The flat rate is calculated based on the employee’s completion of the initial training session, completion of a four (4) day assignment for JC 1275N or eleven (11) day assignment for JC 1276N within the election cycle, and, if applicable, bilingual pay and a completion bonus.  If an employee does not complete the entirety of the assignment, the flat rate will be prorated.    (BOS approved 12/5/23)


3-17.1 – Persons occupying any of the positions listed in this Ordinance assigned to duty at Work Furlough, the North County Jail, Santa Rita Jail, Highland General Hospital or Fairmont Hospital, the Job Code number for which does not include the suffix “A” and whose duties prevent leaving the premises for meals, shall be entitled to regular meals occurring at Work Furlough, the North County Jail, Santa Rita Jail, Highland General Hospital or Fairmont Hospital in addition to the compensation above specified.

3-17.2 – Any person occupying a position under Job Code 8604 or 8617 when certified as having met the requirements of the training incentive program as approved by the Board of Supervisors, shall be compensated as set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding with the Deputy Sheriff’s Association.

3-17.3 – Employees occupying positions under Job Codes 8620SM, 8625SM or 8635SM, shall be compensated an additional five percent per biweekly pay period, when assigned to the Special Operations Group, as defined below (BOS approved 6/29/10):

  • Not to exceed two (2) positions in charge in the Special Response Unit (SRU)
  • Not to exceed two (2) positions in charge in the Crisis Intervention Unit (CIU)
  • Not to exceed two (2) positions in charge in the Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD)

No one employee shall receive more than one five percent per bi-weekly pay period increase under this subsection. Employees who are compensated under this subsection 3-17.3 shall not receive any additional compensation under subsections 3-17.16, 3-17.44 or 3-17.45. (BOS approved 9/28/10) (BOS approved 9/28/21 )

3-17.4 – – Any person occupying a position under Job Codes 0053EM, 0055EM, 8620SM, 8625SM, or 8635SM shall receive additional compensation as follows:

• Possession of an Associate of Arts degree from a recognized college or university or POST Intermediate Certificate – two and one-half percent (2.5%);

• Possession of a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree from an accredited college or university or POST Advanced Certificate – six percent (6%);

• Possession of a Master of Arts or Master of Science degree from an accredited college or university or a POST Management Certificate – eight and one-half percent (8.5%).

In addition, such persons shall be compensated an additional two and one-half percent (2.5%) for a one-year period upon the completion of 30 hours or three (3) units of seminars or courses, respectively, as approved by the Department Head. This additional two and one-half percent (2.5%) shall be renewable on an annual basis if the educational requirements are met.

Under no circumstances will the amount of compensation pursuant to the provisions of this footnote exceed eight and one-half percent (8.5%). (BOS approved 6/30/15) (BOS approved amendment 10/29/19)

3-17.5 – Not to exceed thirty persons occupying positions under Job Codes 8602T, 8604, or 8617, when assigned as Canine Handlers, shall be compensated an additional $30 per biweekly pay period. (BOS approved 4/25/17)

3-17.6 – Not to exceed two persons occupying positions under Job Code 1283, Fingerprint Technician, when assigned “Check desk” responsibilities, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-17.7 – (BOS approved deletion 3/28/17 effective 4/9/17)

3-17.8 – Incumbents occupying positions under Job Code 8602T shall advance to the fourth step after completing 13 full biweekly pay periods of continuous full-time service at the third step in the same classification and shall advance to the fifth step after completing 13 full biweekly pay periods of continuous full-time service at the fourth step in the same classification.

3-17.9 – (BOS approved deletion 3/28/17 effective 4/9/17)

3-17.10 – (BOS approved deletion 3/28/17 effective 4/9/17)

3-17.11 – The person occupying the position under Job Code 0057EM shall receive biweekly compensation as follows: $7,732.80 effective January 1, 2007; and effective January 1, 2008, January 1, 2009, and January 1, 2010, respectively, the salary for the position shall be increased by the average increase for Senior Executive Managers on or about the same date, provided that the amount of said increase shall be no less than 3 percent and no more than 9 percent. Effective in calendar year 2007 and in each subsequent calendar year, the incumbent shall also be entitled to the maximum amount allowed by Internal Revenue Code 457, including “overage catch up” provisions; to be contributed to the County’s Deferred Compensation Plan. The incumbent will also receive 9.6 percent of base salary in addition to other compensation provided in this ordinance.

3-17.12 – Effective August 12, 2010, the person occupying the position under Job Code 0057EM, when designated by the Board of Supervisors to serve as the Coroner, shall be compensated an additional 20 percent of the base salary applicable to that Job Code number. (BOS approved deletion of Public Administrator 12/17/13 effective 8/12/10)

3-17.13 – Effective January 1, 2006, the person occupying the position under Job Code 0055EM, when designated to serve as the Chief Assistant Coroner-Public Administrator shall be compensated an additional 10 percent of the base salary for that Job Code number. (BOS approved 6/27/06)

3-17.14 – Any person occupying a position in the County service when certified by STC as an instructor qualified to provide “Standards and Training for Corrections” instruction, and authorized by the Sheriff to provide such instruction, shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate authorized by STC when providing such instruction. The Sheriff’s Department shall transmit the rate to the Auditor on the same form as received from STC. If STC instruction is provided during employees scheduled work hours, the compensation is in addition to the regular compensation for the position, provided the employee is on approved paid leave or unpaid leave status.

3-17.15 –  Effective June 12, 2022, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 1887, when assigned the communications training supervisor function in the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office (“ACSO”) Emergency Services Dispatch Center, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of the base pay.

Effective February 6, 2022, in addition, not to exceed five (5) employees in Job Code 1885 when assigned the communications training officer function in the ACSO Emergency Services Dispatch Center, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of the base pay. (BOS approved 6/7/22)

3-17.16 – Effective September 19, 2021, persons employed under Job Codes 8620SM (Lieutenant), 8625SM (Captain) or 8635SM (Division Commander) assigned to work an alternate biweekly work schedule in the Sheriff’s Office shall be compensated an additional five percent.

  • Employees who are compensated under this subsection 3-17.16 shall not receive any additional compensation under subsections 3-17.3, 3-17.44 or 3-17.45.
  • Effective January 1, 2021, the alternate biweekly work schedule (84 hours) shall be one of three (five-day) weekly schedules authorized by the Auditor-Controller and approved by the Sheriff, except for the positions designated as 12-hour shifts by the Sheriff. (BOS approved 9/28/10) (BOS approved 9/28/21 )

3-17.17 – (BOS approved deletion 6/30/15)

3-17.20 – Effective April 4, 2021, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 0053 when, in addition to the regular assignment, is also responsible for department-wide operational, administrative and/or management issues and when assigned on a continuing basis to act for the Sheriff or Undersheriff, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of the base pay.  Effective June 23, 2024, not to exceed two (2) employees in JC 0053 shall receive this footnote. The expansion of this footnote is temporary and will be subject to review by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before June 1, 2025, and annually thereafter (BOS approved 3/23/21) (BOS approved 6/18/24)

3-17.21 – (BOS approved deletion 3/28/17 effective 4/9/17)

3-17.22 – Employees in the class of 8601 (Sheriff’s Recruit) will be compensated (base salary) at the salary in effect for that class during their period of employment in that class, except when the top step of the salary range for the class of 8755 (Sheriff’s Technician II) is higher than the salary range for the class of 8601, at which time employees in the class of 8601 will be compensated at the top step of the salary range for the class 8755. The provisions of this note apply only to base salaries and do not include special performance or premium pay, such as overtime, educational incentive, holiday pay, uniform allowance or any other additional compensation.

An employee who changes classifications from Job Code 8601 to 8755 will be placed at the step in the salary range to which time in service would have entitled him/her had that time been served in Job Code 8755.

3-17.24 – (BOS approved deletion 3/28/17 effective 4/9/17)

3-17.25 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18) (BOS approved 3/15/22)  (BOS approved deletion  4/30/24)

3-17.29 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-17.30 – Not to exceed one person under Job Code 0053EM, when assigned the managing and directing of the Sheriff’s Oakland Police Department relations and operations plans, actively serving and sitting as a member of the Committee of Chiefs and Sheriffs Association, and serving on the state Sheriffs’ Association on legislative matters, in addition to his/her regular duties, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-17.31 – (BOS approved deletion 9/28/10 effective 10/3/10)

3-17.32 – (BOS approved deletion 9/24/19)

3-17.33 – Not to exceed two employees in Job Code 8604, when assigned as K-9 explosive handlers, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-17.34 – Not to exceed one position of Job Code 1227MA, when assigned the coordination of work and arranging coverage for the secretarial staff of the Sheriff’s Headquarter Office, shall be compensated an additional 5 percent.

3-17.35 – (BOS approved deletion 3/28/17 effective 4/9/17)

3-17.36 – Employees in Job Codes  1289 (effective 7/21/24), 1290 (effective 6/9/24), 1871, 5151, 6072, 6500, 6502, 6506 (effective 7/21/24), 8549, 8561, 8562, 8724, 8751, 8756, 8758 (effective 7/21/24),  8850, 8851, and 8860 may be compensated at any biweekly amount in the salary range for that classification as determined by the Department Head.(BOS approved 2/5/13 Job Codes 6502PA and 8724PA effective 2/17/13) (BOS approved 5/24/16 Job Codes 8756PA and 8751N effective 6/5/16) (BOS approved 8/2/16 Job Code 1871SM effective 7/31/16), and Job Code 6072EM effective 1/29/17 (BOS approved 1/24/17). (BOS approved Job Codes 5151PA; 8561N; 8562N 6/9/20) (BOS approved Job Codes 1871SM; 6072EM; 8549N; 8751N; 8756PA 6/23/20) (BOS approved 3/12/24) (BOS approved 6/4/24) (BOS approved 7/9/24)

3-17.37 – The persons occupying the position under Job Code 5149MA or 8560PA may be compensated at any salary within the range for the respective class at the discretion of the Sheriff. (BOS approved 3/14/06) (BOS approved 5149MA 9/9/08).

3-17.38 – Effective October 6, 2007, not to exceed two persons occupying a position under Job Code 8617, when assigned to supervise a Canine Unit, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. (BOS approved 6/27/06) (BOS approved amendment 12/15/09)

3-17.39 – (BOS approved deletion 3/28/17 effective 4/9/17)

3-17.40 – Effective November 10, 2013, not to exceed a total of twelve persons occupying a position under Job Code 8755, Sheriff’s Technician, when assigned to the Coroner’s Bureau, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 6/12/07) (BOS approved amendment 10/29/13)

3-17.41 – Effective September 23, 2007, not to exceed one person under Job Code 0278 when assigned lead responsibility over persons in the same and/or equivalent job codes in the Sheriff’s Office, may be compensated up to five percent of their base salary at the discretion of the Department Head.

3-17.42 – Effective November 1, 2009, the salary level within the range of salaries shown for persons employed under Job Code 8549N shall be determined by the Sheriff and the Director of Human Resource Services. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the five step salary plan, nor any other salary adjustment for time in class. (BOS approved 10/27/09)

3-17.43 – (BOS approved deletion 3/28/17 effective 4/9/17)

3-17.44 – No more than three (3) positions in Job Code 8620SM (Lieutenant) assigned to the Eden Township Substation, shall be compensated an additional five percent compensation per biweekly period, as defined below (BOS approved 9/28/10):

  • One position assigned to the Investigative Unit,
  • One position assigned to the D.U.I., Tri-Valley Substation, SRO Unit, COPPS Unit, Parking Enforcement Unit, and
  • One position assigned to function as the Administrative Lieutenant
  • Employees who are compensated under this subsection 3-17.44 shall not receive any additional compensation under subsections 3-17.3, 3-17.16 or 3-17.45. (BOS approved 9/28/21 )

3-17.45 – Effective June 27, 2010, employees occupying positions under Job Codes 8620SM, 8625SM or 8635SM, when assigned to the Explosive Ordinance Disposal Team, shall be compensated an additional five percent.

  • Employees who are compensated under this subsection 3-17.45 shall not receive additional compensation under subsections 3-17.3, 3-17.16 or 3-17.44. (BOS approved 9/28/10) (BOS approved 9/28/21 )

3-17.46 – Effective May 1, 2011, any person occupying a position under Job Code 1514SM who is assigned to act as Supervising Legal Clerk over persons in Job Codes 1305, 1310, 1511 or 1513, shall be compensated an additional five percent when the number of employees supervised is greater than 9. (BOS approved 4/26/11)

3-17.47 – Effective November 13, 2011, not to exceed one person occupying the position under Job Code 0405PA when regularly assigned lead functions over staff assigned to the Records and Warrants Section of the Sheriff’s Office, shall be compensated an additional five percent. (BOS approved 11/1/11)

3-17.48 – Effective January 1, 2013, not more than one person in the Sheriff’s Office, under Job Code 1139SM, shall receive an annual uniform allowance in the amount of $455 per year, when responsible for first-line supervision responsibilities within the Animal Control Section, and required by the Sheriff’s Office to wear a uniform. (BOS approved 6/4/13)

3-17.49 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-17.50 – Effective November 10, 2013, not to exceed one position under Job Code 0460MA in the Sheriff’s Office, when in addition to the primary area of responsibility, the position is assigned to perform broad safety program development, coordination and training functions that include CalOSHA compliance, for an Agency with significant sworn personnel, and under the direction of a Division Commander serving as the Agency’s official Safety Officer, the incumbent shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 12/17/13) (BOS reinstated 12/18/18)

3-17.51 – (BOS approved deletion 3/12/19)

3-17.52 – Effective November 5, 2017, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 8755NM, regularly assigned the task of system administrator for the Detentions and Corrections Personnel Attendance data system, shall be compensated an additional five percent. (BOS approved 10/24/17).

3-17.53 – The person occupying the position under job code 0057 (SHERIFF) shall receive biweekly compensation as follows: $11,188.00 effective January 1, 2023 and on or about January 1, 2024, and on or about January 1, 2025, and on or about January 1, 2026, the salary shall be increased by the same general cost of living percentage increase received by the majority of the County of Alameda Board-appointed department heads during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of each increase, said percentages to be calculated by the County Administrator and Human Resource Services Director.

Effective January 1, 2023, the incumbent’s contribution towards health premiums, deductible amounts and/or co-pays shall be consistent with those of the unrepresented executive management for each year of the plan years 2023 through 2026.

Effective January 1, 2023, the flexible spending plan shall be consistent with the plan of the unrepresented executive management for each of the plan years 2023 through 2026.  (BOS approved 12/18/18) (BOS approved 11/2/21)

3-17.54 – Persons newly hired or newly promoted into Job Codes 8601NM, or 8602NM, or 8604NM shall receive a hiring incentive to be paid in equal increments over a four (4) year period as follows:

Deputy Sheriff Recruit (JC #8601NM) – $10,000

  • $2,500 upon graduation from Basic Academy
  • $2,500 after successfully completing the 18-month probationary period.
  • $2,500 after three (3) years of continuous service upon receipt of satisfactory annual performance evaluation.
  • $2,500 after four (4) years of continuous service upon receipt of satisfactory annual performance evaluation.

Deputy Sheriff I (JC #8602NM) – $12,000

  • $3,000 first pay period after hire.
  • $3,000 after successfully completing the 18-month probationary period.
  • $3,000 after three (3) years of continuous service upon receipt of satisfactory annual performance evaluation.
  • $3,000 after four (4) years of continuous service upon receipt of satisfactory annual performance evaluation.

Deputy Sheriff II (JC #8604NM) – $15,000

  • $3,750 first pay period after hire.
  • $3,750 after successfully completing the 12-month probationary period.
  • $3,750 after three (3) years of continuous service upon receipt of satisfactory annual performance evaluation.
  • $3,750 after four (4) years of continuous service upon receipt of satisfactory annual performance evaluation.

(BOS approved 8/4/20)

3-17.55 –  (BOS approved 11/23/21)

3-17.56 – Effective October 16, 2022, not to exceed nine (9) employees in Job Code 1511 or 1513 when assigned to the Warrants & Records Unit, a 24/7 work operation, requiring specialized criminal justice information systems knowledge, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of the base pay. This footnote shall be reviewed by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before October 16, 2024. (BOS approved 10/4/22)


3-18.4 – Not to exceed eleven persons occupying positions under Job Code 1473SM, three when assigned to a satellite office and act as site manager where there is no more senior manager assigned to the site, and eight who supervise and IEVS Unit, shall be compensated an additional 5 percent. (BOS approved 8/2/16)

Not to exceed four persons occupying positions under Job Code 1473SM when assigned responsibility for the supervision of a Quality Assurance or Quality Control Unit shall receive an additional 10 percent compensation. (BOS approved 8/2/16)

Any change in the number of persons who may be eligible for compensation under this note must be approved by the County Administrator and the Director of Human Resource Services.

3-18.6 – Persons occupying positions under Job Codes 6740, 6745 or 6750SM shall be compensated an additional 5 percent when assigned to a Dependency Investigation Unit.

3-18.7 – Upon the recommendation of the Agency/Department Head and the approval of the Director of Human Resource Services, persons employed less than full-time in classes within Representation Unit 001 in a position designated as requiring fluency in a language other than English, shall receive additional compensation prorated from a base rate of $21 for 80 hours scheduled per pay period.

3-18.8 – Persons occupying positions under Job Code 6715 shall be compensated at the schedule for Job Code 6720 when assigned to the Intake Unit and persons occupying positions under Job Code 1471 shall be compensated an additional 5 percent when assigned as Share of Cost Workers in In-Home Support Services, Social Services Agency.

3-18-9 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-18.10 – (BOS approved deletion 2/4/20)

3-18.12 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 6750MA, when assigned Court Officer’s responsibilities and designated to perform “lead” responsibilities that constitute at least 35 percent of the incumbent’s total work hours over a group of positions in the same job class who are also assigned Court Officer’s responsibilities, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. When an employee under this Job Code number no longer meets the foregoing requirements, the additional compensation shall be removed.

3-18.13 – (BOS approved deletion 10/29/19)

3-18.14 – (BOS approved deletion 10/29/19)

3-18.15 – Not to exceed six incumbents occupying positions under Job Code 1473 when supervising outstationed eligibility staff assigned to the Outreach Program and having responsibility for conducting aid category training of the Outreach Program site liaisons and monitoring compliance with the established site memorandum of understanding, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. (BOS approved 8/2/16).

3-18.16 – The incumbent of Job Code 0232PA and the incumbent of Job Code 6047SM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the salary range for those classifications as recommended by the Agency Director and approved by the Director of Human Resource Services. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-18.17 – (BOS approved deletion 10/29/19)

3-18.19 – Effective September 10, 2006, not to exceed three persons in the Adoption Assistance Program of the Social Services Agency, Children and Family Services Division, occupying a position under Job Code 1128 and Job Code 1129 shall receive an additional 5 percent when assigned in writing to maintain case files for clients receiving Basic Care Payments, which includes opening initial cases, processing renewals on those cases and maintaining case dictation and documentation.

3-18.20 –  Employees in Job Code 6750 who meet the provisions of the Licensing Supervision Program Policy adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 6, 2000, may be reimbursed up to a total of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1200) per calendar year. An employee who voluntarily terminates their employment with the County prior to completion of the two (2) year employment commitment shall reimburse the County five hundred dollars ($500).  (BOS approved 2/2/11) (BOS approved 7/26/22)

Effective calendar year 2023, said employees may be reimbursed up to a total of two thousand dollars ($2,000) per calendar year. An employee who has received reimbursement through this Policy in any amount up to and including eight hundred dollars ($800) and voluntarily terminates their employment with the County prior to completion of the two (2)-year employment commitment shall reimburse the County for the amount received up to a maximum of eight hundred dollars ($800). (BOS approved 7/26/22)

3-18.21 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-18.22 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of Job Code 6085SE (Director of Social Services) shall be determined by the County Administrator. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan or to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-18.23 – Only the current incumbent (Position #309432) in Job Code 1473 when assigned to the Foster Care Eligibility Unit of the Social Services Agency shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of the base pay. This footnote will expire when the incumbent vacates the position and shall be deleted from the Salary Ordinance upon that date. (7/26/22)

3-18.24 – The person occupying the position under Job Code 6075EM may be compensated at any salary within the salary range for that class, as determined by the Agency Director.

3-18.25 –  24-Hour Shift: Employees in Job Code 6750, when assigned to the Emergency Response Unit (“ERU”) to provide coverage for emergency calls in lieu of on-site coverage for a 24-hour shift, two-thirds or more of which falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or County observed holiday, in addition to their regular assignment, shall be compensated as follows:

Effective January 13, 2019: three hundred thirty dollars ($330) per 24-hour shift.

Effective June 1, 2022: four hundred thirty dollars ($430) per 24-hour shift.

After-Hours Shift: An after-hours shift shall be defined as a weekday shift during which no less than two-thirds of the hours worked fall between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., beginning Monday and ending Saturday morning. Employees in Job Code 6750, when assigned to the ERU to provide coverage for emergency calls in lieu of on-site coverage for an after-hours shift, in addition to their regular assignment, shall be compensated as follows:

Effective January 13, 2019: eight-five dollars ($85) per after-hours shift.

Effective June 1, 2022: one hundred sixty dollars ($160) per after-hours shift.

If no employee volunteers to provide coverage for either a 24-hour or an after-hours shift, management will assign employees to provide coverage for the uncovered shift in order of inverse seniority in the classification of all employees in Job Code 6750. No employee shall be required to provide coverage for any shift without first having received a minimum of eight (8) hours of training on supervisory tasks and responsibilities as ERU backup.

(BOS approved deletion 6/17/08) (BOS approved 1/11/12 the removal of “on site”)  (BOS approved 7/12/16) (BOS approved amendment 7/26/22)

3-18.26 – Effective April 14, 2002, not to exceed two persons in the Social Services Agency, Department of Adult and Aging, under Job Code 6770SM when assigned to provide coverage to respond to emergency calls from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, and from 5:30 p.m. Friday to 7:30 a.m. Monday, shall receive an additional $175 per week. This note shall be in full force and effect for the term of the April 9, 2017 – June 24, 2023 Alameda County Management Employees Association, General Government Unit Memorandum of Understanding. (BOS approved amendment 6/4/13) (BOS approved amendment 2/6/18) (BOS approved 12/6/22)

3-18.27 – Employees in the class of Job Code 6740 or 6745 who meet the provisions of the Licensing Supervision Program Policy adopted by the Board of Supervisors on May 7, 2002, may be reimbursed up to a total of $2,000 (including reimbursement from the SEIU Education Stipend Fund) per fiscal year. An employee who voluntarily terminates his/her employment with the County prior to completion of the two year employment commitment shall reimburse the County the amount of the cost of the Supervision or $500, whichever is less.

3-18.28 – (BOS approved deletion 10/29/19)

3-18.29  (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-18.30  (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-18.31 –  –Employees in Job Codes 6912, 6915, 6080 (effective 6/3/2018), 0484 (effective 7/29/18), or 6799 (effective 10/15/23) may be compensated at any salary within the salary range for the respective class as determined by the Agency Head (BOS approved 7/24/18) (BOS approved 10/3/23)

3-18.32 – Effective September 10, 2006, one position under Job Code 1142 (Administrative Assistant) within the Administrative/Financial Services Division shall receive an additional five percent compensation for specialized and independent work preparing monthly, quarterly and annual statistical reports for the California Department of Social Services.

3-18.33 – Effective September 10, 2006, two positions under Job Code 1142 (Administrative Assistant) within the Adult and Aging, Public Guardian Division shall receive an additional five percent compensation for specialized and independent work executing tasks relative to the research, documentation, appraisal, and sale of real and personal property.

3-18.34 – (BOS approved deletion 2/4/20)

3-18.35 – (BOS approved deletion 6/13/23)

3-18.36 – Effective July 15, 2007, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1129, when assigned “lead” responsibilities over a group of persons in the same job class in the Human Resources Office of the Social Services Agency, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 7/24/07)

3-18.37 – Effective March 17, 2013, persons under Job Code 6796PA, Staff Development Specialist, when assigned to positions that are required to develop and perform training specific to Child Welfare work, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 3/12/13)

3-18.38 – (BOS approved 6/25/13) (BOS approved deletion 10/29/19)

3-18.39 – Effective April 13, 2014, not to exceed one position under Job Code 6752PA, Social Services Ombudsperson, when assigned as the Regional Ombudsman Coordinator as defined in WI code, Section 9700-9701, shall receive an additional five (5%) percent compensation. (BOS approved 4/8/14)

3-18.40 – Effective November 22, 2015, Not to exceed one employee in Job Code 6080EM, Assistant Agency Director, Social Services Agency when assigned to manage and coordinate the work of the largest division within the Social Services Agency in terms of staffing and budget oversight, shall receive an additional five (5%) percent compensation. (BOS approved 11/17/15)

3-18.41 – Effective November 22, 2015, Not to exceed one employee in Job Code 0232PA, Executive Assistant to the Director, when assigned full time supervision and coordination of the work of professional and support staff within the Social Services Agency Public Information Office shall receive an additional seven (7%) percent compensation. (BOS approved 11/17/15)

3-18.42 – The person occupying the position under Job Code 6056SM, Workforce Board System Administrator, Social Services Agency, may be compensated at any salary within the salary range for the classification, as determined by the Agency Director. (BOS approved 9/27/16)

3-18.43 – (BOS approved 5/22/18) (BOS approved amendment 2/25/20) (BOS approved deletion 6/15/21)

3-18.44 – Effective July 29, 2018, persons occupying positions under Job Code 6045SM shall be compensated an additional 5 percent when assigned to the Children and Family Services Department. (BOS approved 7/24/18)

3-18.45 – Effective December 20, 2022, employees in Job Codes 6740NM and 6745NM and effective January 10, 2023, employees in Job Code 6750M assigned to work in the Emergency Response (“ER”) field units who are 1) continuously employed and working in the ER field units and complete the Required Length of Service in the ER Field Units as noted below; and 2) who are in active status during the pay period (“PP”) ending date as specified in the Payment Period Determination End Date below, shall be eligible to receive the corresponding Retention Pay Stipend Amount.

Required Length of Service in ER Field Units Retention Pay Stipend Amount
Completion of 12-months $1,000
Completion of 18-months $2,500
Completion of 24-months $3,000
Completion of 36-months $4,000
Completion of 60-months $5,000

Thereafter, on an annual basis, said employees who complete the above-referenced Required Length of Service in the ER Field Units shall receive said Retention Pay Stipend Amount in accordance with the Payment Period Determination End Date below:

Payment Year Payment Period Determination End Date
2022 The full PP following ACERA pensionability determination.
2023 The PP ending November 25, 2023 (PP 23-25).
2024 The PP ending November 23, 2024 (PP 24-25).
2025 The PP ending June 21, 2025 (PP 25-14).

Moreover, employees in the Job Code 6750 who are regularly assigned to supervise Interns in ER and on an as-needed basis, required to cover for employees in Job Code 6750 assigned to work in ER field units, shall be eligible to receive fifty percent (50%) of the Retention Pay Stipend Amount after said employee completes the corresponding Required Length of Service in ER Field Units.

This subsection shall sunset and be deleted from the Salary Ordinance the earliest of June 30, 2025 or when SSA no longer receives said grant funds from the State of California as appropriated in the Budget Act of 2021. (BOs approved  1/10/23).(BOS approved 2/7/23 )

3-18.46 – (BOS approved 1/10/23)

3-18.47 – Effective September 29, 2024, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 0206 in the Social Services Agency, when assigned the responsibilities of providing oversight, troubleshooting issues, upgrade enhancements, training, and guidance to staff to ensure accurate State of California reporting with the California Welfare Information Network (CalWIN) and California Statewide Automated System (CalSAWS) database systems, shall be compensated an additional five percent (5%) of the base pay.  This footnote shall no longer apply when the incumbent is no longer assigned the oversight of the area(s).  This footnote will also be subject to review by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before July 1, 2025, and annually thereafter.  (BOS approved 10/1/24)



3-19.1 – The person occupying the position under Job Code 0077EM shall receive biweekly compensation as follows: $5,943.20 effective January 1, 2007; and effective January 1, 2008, January 1, 2009, and January 1, 2010, respectively, the salary for the position shall be increased by the average increase for Senior Executive Managers on or about the same date, provided that the amount of said increase shall be no less than 3 percent and no more than 9 percent. Effective in calendar year 2007 and in each subsequent calendar year, the incumbent shall also be entitled to the maximum amount allowed by Internal Revenue Code 457, including “overage catch up” provisions; to be contributed to the County’s Deferred Compensation Plan. The incumbent will also receive 9.6 percent of base salary in addition to other compensation provided in this ordinance.

3-19.3 – One person occupying a position under Job Code 1315M who is assigned specialized investment duties and responsibilities shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-19.7 – (BOS approved deletion effective 7/21/09)

3-19.8 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-19.9 – Effective January 1, 2014, one person occupying a position under Job Code 0077EM for management of the County’s Deferred Compensation Program shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. (BOS approved 12/8/09 to be effective 1/1/14)

3-19.10 – Effective April 3, 2011, the person employed under Job Code 0070EM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the salary range shown for that classification as determined by the Department Head. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan, nor to the general adjustments prescribed for other County employees. (BOS approved 3/29/11)

3-19.11 – Effective December 11, 2011, persons employed under Job Code 1604SM, Treasurer-Tax Collector Supervisor, may be compensated at any salary within the salary range of the respective job class as determined by the Agency/Department Head. (BOS approved 12/6/11)

3-19.12 – Effective December 11, 2011, not to exceed one (1) person in Job Code 1603, Treasurer-Tax Collector Specialist III, when assigned lead responsibilities in the Current Year Secured Unit of the Treasurer-Tax Collector Department, the incumbent shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 12/6/11)

3-19.13 – Effective December 11, 2011, not to exceed one (1) person in Job Code 1603, Treasurer-Tax Collector Specialist III, when assigned Bankruptcy process oversight for the Treasurer-Tax Collector Department, the incumbent shall receive an additional seven percent compensation. (BOS approved 12/6/11)

3-19.14 – Effective December 11, 2011, not to exceed three (3) employees in Job Code 1603, Treasurer-Tax Collector Specialist III, when assigned the more specialized and independent work executing tasks relative to the most complex corrections within the Treasurer-Tax Collector Department, the incumbent shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 12/6/11) (BOS approved 4/7/15)

3-19.15 – Effective February 17, 2013, persons employed under Job Code 1539SM (Deferred Compensation and Personnel Manager), Job Code 0170PA (Chief Investment Officer, Treasurer’s Department), and effective March 15, 2015, Job Code 1540PA, (Deferred Compensation Specialist), and effective June 18, 2017, Job Code 0159PA, (Investment Specialist), may be compensated at any salary within the salary range of the respective job class as determined by the Agency/Department Head. (BOS approved 2/5/13), (BOS approved 1540PA 3/10/15) (BOS approved 0159PA 6/6/17)

3-19.16 – (BOS approved deletion 7/23/19)

3-19.17 – The person occupying the position job code 0077 (TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR) shall receive biweekly compensation as follows: $8,597.60 effective January 1, 2023; and on or about January 1, 2024, and on or about January 1, 2025, and on or about January 1, 2026, the salary shall be increased by the same general cost of living percentage increase received by the majority of the County of Alameda Board appointed department heads, during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of each increase, said percentages to be calculated by the County Administrator and Human Resource Services Director.

Effective January 1, 2023, the incumbent’s contribution towards health premiums, deductible amounts and/or co-pays shall be consistent with those of the unrepresented executive management for each year of the plan years 2023 through 2026.

Effective January 1, 2023, the flexible spending plan shall be consistent with the plan or the unrepresented executive management for each of the plan years 2023 through 2026. (BOS approved 11/21/17) (BOS approved 11/2/21)

3-19.18 –  (BOS approved deletion 9/18/18 and 3/31/20 effective 9/19/20) (BOS approved 7/20/21) (BOS approved 7/26/22) (BOS approved 9/19/23)




3-20.1 – Not to exceed 10 persons occupying positions under Job Code 1812 and only when assigned in writing by a Computer Operations Manager either lead responsibilities over other Computer Operators I/II and Data Processing Technicians I/II or when assigned lead responsibilities in functional areas including teleprocessing and major special projects, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation. (BOS approved 6/25/02)

3-20.2 – Salary increases for positions under Job Codes 0605PA, 1813SM, 1814SM, 1816PA, 1817PA, 1818PA, 1824PA, 1826MA, 1827MA, 1829SM, 1833SM, 1835SM, 1836PA, 1837SM, 1838SM, 1843PA, 1845EM, 1846PA (BOS approved 2/4/20, effective 10/6/19), 1847EM, 1851PA, 1852PA, 1854PA, 1855PA, 1856PA, 1857PA, 1863PA, 1866PA, 1867PA, 1868PA (BOS approved 2/4/20, effective 10/6/19), require the approval of the Human Resource Services Department, County Administrator’s Office and the department. Salary increases resulting from the annual salary adjustments for the classes require only the approval of the Department Head. (BOS approved 1851PA, 1852 PA, 1854PA, 1856PA, 1857PA, 1866PA, 1867PA, and 1868PA 4/19/16) (BOS approved amendment 6/9/20)  

3-20.3 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1813SM when assigned supervisory responsibilities over staff assigned to the Teleprocessing Unit or batch day shift operations, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-20.5 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of Job Code 1849SE (Director, Information Technology Department) shall be determined by the County Administrator. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-20.6 – Not to exceed one person under Job Code 1835SM when assigned a project of major or countywide scope with costs and consequences of greater impact and magnitude than normal for this class shall receive an additional 10 percent compensation. When the project is completed or otherwise terminated the compensation authorized by this note will cease.

3-20.7 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-20.8 – The person occupying the position under Job Code 1849SE when designated to serve in Job Code 1005SE shall be compensated an additional twenty-five percent, effective May 8, 2006. (BOS approved 12/13/06)

3-20.9 – Effective July 7, 2013, persons occupying positions under Job Codes 9280NM, Telecom Technician and 9286SM, Senior Telecom Technician, shall be compensated at the rate of one-fifth pay when assigned to standby duty between the hours of 5:00 p.m. Friday and 8:00 a.m. Monday. (BOS approved 9/24/13)

3-20.10 – Effective September 29, 2013, not to exceed three persons under Job Code 1826MA when assigned to oversee multi-year projects involving several resources with varied technical and functional skill sets and acting as the system architect for the large system shall be compensated up to an additional 10 percent, as determined by the Director of the Information Technology Department. (BOS approved 9/24/13)

Effective October 8, 2017, not to exceed four persons under Job Code 1868PA and Job Code 1836PA when assigned to oversee multi-year projects involving several resources with varied technical and functional skill sets and acting as the system architect for the large system shall be compensated up to an additional 10 percent, as determined by the Director of the Information Technology Department. Additionally, Effective August 28, 2016 Job Code 1826MA shall no longer be eligible to receive the additional compensation provided by this footnote provision. (BOS approved 8/2/16) (BOS approved amendment 9/26/17)

3-20.11 – Persons employed under Job Codes 9212PA and 9214PA may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the salary range for said classifications as determined by the Department Head. (BOS approved 5/25/21)


3-21.1 – Management Analyst (0206MA) – To receive a salary above the minimum schedule a person in this classification must meet criteria 1 or 2, and 3.

  1. Supervise members of a project or task force.
  2. Regularly handle individually the most complex projects which require unusual expertise, sensitivity of handling and independence of judgment not normally found in most assignments.
  3. Performance evaluations above average.

Persons meeting those criteria may be paid above the minimum schedule on the recommendation of the Department Head and approval of the Director of Human Resource Services, except for increases resulting from the annual salary adjustment for the job class which requires only the approval of the Department Head. A person who no longer meets the criteria, shall be returned to the minimum schedule.

3-21.2 – Flexibly-Staffed Positions – as approved by the Director of Human Resource Services, certain classifications listed in the department sections of Article 2 of this Ordinance are flexibly-staffed with lower level classifications in the same class series. A listing of those flexibly-staffed classifications will be promulgated by the Director of Human Resource Services at the beginning of each fiscal year.

3-21.3 – Persons employed under Job Code 0299N may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for the classification as determined by the Department Head. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees. In order for an incumbent to receive a salary in excess of 22 percent (22%) above the first step, the incumbent must meet criteria 1 or 2, and 3.

  1. Regularly and individually handle complex assignments requiring skill, expertise, sensitivity and judgment beyond that normally required for the journey level position.
  2. Have lead responsibility over a group of positions in the same job class.
  3. Achieve an above-average performance rating. (BOS approved amendment 11/24/20)

3-21.4 – Salary increases for persons occupying positions under Job Codes 0416PA, 0417SM, 0419MA or 0420SM require the approval of the Human Resource Services, County Administrator’s Office and the department. Salary increases resulting from the annual salary adjustment for the classes require only the approval of the Department Head.

3-21.5 – One person occupying a position under Job Code 0495CA in the Board of Supervisors’ Department, shall receive an additional 7.5 percent compensation.

3-21.7 – Any employee holding a position under Job Code 1128 or 1215, and Job Code 1129, when assigned and spending at least 25 percent of his/her time coordinating agenda preparation, scheduling meeting activities, and composing correspondence for a Board of Supervisors’ appointed Board or Commission, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-21.8 – (BOS approved deletion 4/9/19)

3-21.9 – (BOS approved deletion 4/9/19)

3-21.10 – Salary increases for persons occupying positions under Job Code 0222M can be granted by the Agency/Department Head only upon submission of a performance evaluation to the County Administrator’s Office. Salary increases resulting from the annual salary adjustments for the classes require only the approval of the Department Head.

3-21.11 – (BOS approved deletion 4/9/19)

3-21.12 -Persons occupying positions under the following Job Codes, and who are in possession of an MSW Degree or an MA from an accredited college or university in counseling or clinical psychology based on a two-year program (56 semester units or 72 quarter units) which included a supervised field placement providing counseling and case work services to individuals and families as part of the course curriculum or an M.F.C.C. license, shall receive additional compensation as follows: 6715, 14.4 percent; 6720, 11.7 percent; and 6792 shall be compensated at the salary schedule for 6750MA.

Effective March 28, 2018, persons occupying positions under the following Job Codes and who are in possession of an MSW Degree or an MA from an accredited college or university in counseling or clinical psychology based on a two-year program (56 semester units or 72 quarter units) which included a supervised field placement providing counseling and case work services to individuals and families as part of the course curriculum or an M.F.C.C. license shall receive additional compensation as follows: 6715, 14.4 percent; 6720, 11.7 percent; 6792 shall be compensated at the salary schedule for 6750SM.. (BOS approved amendment 2/6/18) (BOS approved 7/26/22)

3-21.13  (BOS approved deletion 4/9/19)

3-21.15 – Persons employed under Job Code 1585N and 1587NM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the salary range for said classifications as determined by the Department Head. (BOS approved 5/25/21)

3-21.16 – One person occupying a position under Job Code 1138SM, when assigned to supervise employees in the class of Library Driver-Clerk shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-21.17 – Persons employed under Job Code 2005 or 2201 shall be compensated at any step in the salary range based on education and experience as determined by the Department Head.

3-21.19 – Any person employed under Job Code 0305M may receive a salary increase within the top 10.2 percent of the salary range for that classification upon the recommendation of the Department Head that they meet criteria 1 or 2, and 3 listed below, and the approval of the Director of Human Resource Services and County Administrator:

  1. Regularly and individually handle assignments requiring skill, expertise, sensitivity and judgment beyond that normally required for a journey level position,
  2. Have lead responsibility over a group of positions in the same job class,
  3. Achieve an above-average performance rating.

When an employee under this Job Code no longer meets the foregoing requirements, salary will be reduced to any biweekly amount within the range of salaries for the classification.

3-21.20 – The County shall pay the basic annual California State Bar membership fee, less the stated amount deductible for nonchargeable State Bar activities, for persons employed not less than two-fifths time and on the payroll by the Friday of the first full calendar week of January of the year for which the fees are owed in positions in the following Job Codes: 0045EM, 0047SE, 1590PA,  3130EM, 3140SE, 3150PA, 3151PA, 3152PA, 3153PA, 3160EM, 3165SM, 3170SE, 3240SM, 3245SM, 3250EM, 3260SE, 3300PA, 3390PA, and 3400PA. Fees for section memberships are not payable hereunder. The Auditor-Controller may establish administrative procedures and controls to assure the timely and efficient submission and payment of fee notices pursuant to this provision.  (BOS approved 10/10/23)

3-21.21 – An employee in Job Code 0495CA whose rate of pay is 25.9 percent or less above the first step shall not receive management benefits, but shall receive those benefits which accrue to unrepresented non-management employees.

3-21.22 – Persons employed under Job Codes 0495CA and 0496CA, may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for those classifications, as determined by the Department Head, and approved by the County Administrator and the Director of Human Resource Services.  It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the five-step salary plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.  (BOS approved 5/24/11) (BOS approved 9/6/16) (BOS approved 5/22/18) (BOS approved 10/2/18) (BOS approved 3/31/20)

3-21.23 – (BOS approved deletion 4/9/19)

3-21.24 – For persons occupying positions under the following Job Codes: 0207SM; 0209PA; 0213PA; 0214PA; 0215PA; 0216SM; 0217MA; 0218PA; 0219PA; 0220SM; 0221MA; 0237PA; 0306PA; 0307SM; 0308SM; 0314SM; 0315SM; 0405PA; 0418PA; 0422PA; 0423PA; 0481PA;1145SM; 1226PA; 12270PA; 3127SM; 5686PA; 5783SM; 5786PA; 6752PA; 0223SM; 1134SM; 0322SM; and 6793PA salary increases through the first 22 percent (22%) of the range which individually are no greater than five percent (5%) and which occur within the time limits set forth in Salary Ordinance Section 4-1 (Full Time Positions), only require approval of the Agency or Department Head. Salary increases within the first 22 percent (22%) of the range which exceed five percent (5%) or do not conform to the time limits set forth in Salary Ordinance Section 4-1 (Full Time Positions), and salary increases above the first 22 percent (22%) of the range require the approval of the Director of Human Resource Services, upon recommendation of the Agency or Department Head. Salary increases resulting from the annual adjustment require only the approval of the Agency or Department Head.  (BOS approved 3127SM 4/27/10) (BOS approved 0223SM 12/19/17) (BOS approved 1226PA 2/27/18) (BOS approved 1134SM 9/17/19) (BOS approved 0322SM and 6793PA  5/12/20)

3-21.25 – Salary range adjustments for incumbents occupying positions in Job Code 3126SM will be based upon criteria developed by the Public Defender and approved by the Director of Human Resource Services. Not to exceed four persons occupying positions in Job Code 3126SM in the Public Defender’s Office shall be compensated within the upper 10 percent of the salary range for this class. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-21.26 – Salary range adjustments for employees in Job Codes 3105, 3106, 3107, 3108, 3109 (effective 10/15/23) and 3110 will be based upon criteria developed by the Department Head and approved by the Director of Human Resource Services. (BOS approved 9/20/22) (BOS approved 10/10/23)

3-21.27 – (BOS approved deletion 2/4/20)

3-21.28 – Medical Coverage for Laid Off Employees – Represented and unrepresented non-management employees laid off will be entitled to one additional month of County-paid health coverage equal to the health care coverage the month prior to layoff provided the employee is not covered by health coverage from any other source.

3-21.29 –  Employees in  Job Codes 1339 (BOS approved 10/16/12), 1340, 1342, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 1349 (effective 4/28/13), 1350, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360 (effective 3/11/18), 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1372,  1373, 1374 (effective 10/15/23) or 1375 (effective 4/28/24) may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for that classification as determined by the Board of Retirement. (BOS approved 1363PA 3/11/08) (BOS approved 1373PA 12/18/12) (BOS approved 1349SM 5/7/13) (BOS approved 1360PA 2/27/18) (BOS approved 10/10/23) (BOS approved 4/16/24)

3-21.30 – To receive a salary above the minimum schedule, a person under Job Code 6796PA must meet criteria 1 or 2 and criterion 3:

  1. Supervise members of a project,
  2. Regularly handle the most complex training projects which require unusual expertise in group facilitation skills and sensitivity in training professional and management personnel and independence of judgment in making needs assessment determinations, in addition to performing technical training responsibilities,
  3. Performance evaluations above average.

Persons meeting these criteria may be paid above the minimum schedule on the recommendation of the Department Head and approval of the Director of Human Resource Services, except for increases resulting from the annual salary adjustment for the job class which require only the approval of the Department Head. A person who no longer meets the criteria shall be returned to the minimum schedule.

3-21.32 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-21.35 – Not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 2953SM serving as Zoning Administrator and as the Hearing Officer and decision maker for Conditional Use Permits and Variance applications shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-21.36 – Salary range adjustments for incumbents occupying positions under Job Codes 3125PA and 3130EM will be based upon criteria developed by the Public Defender and approved by the Director of Human Resource Services. However, effective December 27, 1998, the top 6.8 percent of the respective range for each of these classes shall be reserved only for those persons assigned, on a regular basis, the most complex and difficult cases and those having managerial/administrative responsibilities or who have outstanding performance evaluations, based on criteria established by the Department Head, and approved by the Director of Human Resource Services. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-21.37 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of Job Code 3140SE (Public Defender) shall be determined by the County Administrator. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-21.38 – Salary range adjustments for incumbents occupying positions under Job Code 3105PA shall be based upon criteria developed by the Public Defender and approved by the Director of Human Resource Services.

3-21.40 – With the approval of the County Administrator and the Director of Human Resource Services, a person hired into an executive management position, or a professional, technical or managerial position who must relocate to Alameda County may be reimbursed up to $2,500 for relocation expenses as set forth in the New Employee Relocation Policy and Guidelines adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 15, 1999. In extraordinary circumstances this amount may be exceeded upon written authorization of the County Administrator.

3-21.41 – (BOS approved deletion 09/15/09 effective 10/4/08)

3-21.42 – Effective April 23, 2000 Members of the Board of Supervisors (Job Code 0020EM) shall be paid a biweekly base salary of $3,618.40 which is determined to be the biweekly equivalent to 80 percent of the salary prescribed by law for Judges of the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda. Thereafter, the base salary of each Supervisor shall be increased at such times and in such percentages as increases granted to Judges of the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda, to maintain a base salary of 80 percent of said Judges’ salary.

3-21.43 – Effective for calendar year 2019 and each subsequent calendar year, persons occupying positions under Job Code 0020EM (members Board of Supervisors) shall also be entitled to the maximum amount allowable by the Internal Revenue Code 457, including “overage catch up” provisions to be contributed to the County’s deferred compensation plan. (BOS approved amendment 11/21/17)

3-21.45 – Persons employed under Job Codes 0272PA, 0278CA, 0459CA, 0460MA, 0462SM or 0465SM may be compensated at any salary within the range of salaries shown as determined by the Agency/Department Head, provided, however, that in order to receive a salary in the top 5 percent of the salary range the incumbent must be assigned, on a regular basis, the most difficult and/or sensitive projects, or have administrative/managerial responsibilities not normally part of their on-going assignment, and/or performance evaluations deemed by the Agency/Department Head to be extraordinary. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to the general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-21.46 – (BOS approved deletion 7/22/08 effective 6/15/08)

3-21.47 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-21.48 – Employees who, with the written consent of their agency/department head, are temporarily assigned to the Registrar of Voters Office as election poll workers during County-sponsored elections, shall, in addition to their regular salary, be paid the stipend authorized by the Board of Supervisors for Inspector. (BOS approved amendment 3/26/19)

3-21.49 – Persons occupying positions under Job Codes 5020, 5021, and 5022, may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for those classifications as determined by the Alameda County Children and Families Commission. (BOS approved amendment 6/9/20) (BOS approved 4/4/23) (BOS approved 12/19/23)

3-21.50 – The employee occupying the position under Job Code 1418PA, and effective February 24, 2008, one employee occupying a position in Job Code 1419PA, may be compensated at any step in the salary range for that class as determined by the Department Head and approved by the Director of Human Resource Services.

3-21.51 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of 3170SE (Director, Department of Child Support Services) shall be determined by the Board of Supervisors. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-21.52 – Persons employed under Job Codes 3150PA, 3151PA, 3152PA, 3153PA, 3165PA, or 3160SM may be compensated at any biweekly amount within the range of salaries shown for that classification as determined by the Department Head.

3-21.53 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-21.55 – Not to exceed one person under Job Code 4120, when assigned to be in charge of the Niles Branch Library, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-21.56 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of Job Code 2950SE (Director, Community Development Agency), shall be determined by the County Administrator. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the Five Step Plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-21.57 – The salary level, within the range of salaries shown for the incumbent of Job Code 0247PA, shall be determined by the Art Commission and the Director of Public Works, or his/her designee.

3-21.58 – Effective November 9, 2003, the salary level within the range of salaries shown for persons employed under Job Code 0601SM shall be determined by the County Administrator and the Director of Human Resource Services. It is further provided that the salaries shall not be subject to the five step salary plan, nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-21.59 – (BOS approved deletion 2/4/20)

3-21.60 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-21.61 – Any County employee may donate up to five days of his/her accrued vacation, compensatory time and/or in-lieu holiday time to be contributed to the Alameda County Disaster Relief Fund designated by the County to be used for the relief of victims and families of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.

3-21.62 – Any County employee may donate up to five days of his/her accrued vacation, compensatory time and/or in-lieu holiday time to be contributed to the Alameda County Disaster Relief Fund designated by the County to be used for the relief of victims and families of the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami.

3-21.63 – Effective November 1, 2009, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1221 shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation when assigned responsibility for paralegal duties in ACERA. (BOS approved 10/27/09 from Job Code 1222 to Job Code 1221)

3-21.64 – Effective June 5, 2005, employees under Job Code 0419CA, who are assigned and perform data base administration functions, shall receive an additional 5 percent compensation.

3-21.65 – Any County employee may make cash donations or a donation of their awarded administrative leave (up to 5-days), as provided in subsection 3-21.98; accrued vacation; compensatory time, and/or in-lieu holiday time to be contributed to the Alameda County Disaster Relief Fund designated by the County to provide emergency relief for those affected by the COVID-19 with the focus on providing emergency relief with regard to childcare, shelters, food assistance as well as community based providers.  (BOS approved 3/31/20)

3-21.66 – An additional seven and one-half percent compensation shall be given to persons occupying positions under Job Code 0420 who are permanently and specifically assigned the full range of supervisory (as distinguished from lead) responsibility with respect to one or more position(s) that are compensated on the salary schedule that applies to Job Code 0420. Provided, however, that this additional compensation will only apply where one position(s) supervised have been assigned the full range of supervisory responsibility over three or more subordinate positions by the Agency/Department Head or Information Systems Director (0424).

3-21.68 – (BOS approved 3/14/06) (BOS approved deletion 10/29/19)

3-21.69 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-21.70 – (BOS approved deletion 5/8/18)

3-21.71 – Effective October 31, 2010, one position under Job Code 1104 (Library Clerk II) assigned to Senior Services shall receive an additional five percent compensation for specialized work related to programming support and delivery for age-specific programs for library patrons. (BOS approved 3/29/11 removal of half days)

3-21.72 – Effective November 5, 2006, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1310 when assigned Lead and Training responsibilities for other Account Clerk II’s in the Department of Child Support Services should receive an additional five percent compensation.

3-21.73 – Effective December 31, 2006, individuals who are employed in tenured County classified service immediately prior to election to a County-wide public office shall be entitled to compensation for accrued vacation at the rate he or she received in the classified position, consistent with applicable County codes.

3-21.74 – Effective December 31, 2006, the salary level within the range of salaries shown, for the incumbent of Job Code 4190SE (County Librarian) shall be determined by the Board of Supervisors. It is further provided that the salary shall not be subject to the five step plan nor to general adjustments prescribed for other County employees.

3-21.75 – Effective July 15, 2007, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Codes 1511, Legal Process Clerk or 1513, Legal Process Clerk II, when assigned to perform training functions in the Civil Section of the Alameda County Courts, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 6/12/07)

3-21.76 – Not to exceed one employee occupying a position in Job Code 0219 in the Bonds and Finance Department/Information Technology GIS, when assigned and performing duties related to information, data graphics or geographical systems utilizing advanced computer technologies, shall receive an additional eight percent compensation. (BOS approved 3/11/08)

3-21.77 – Not to exceed one person employed under Job Code 1280, Supervising Registration/Election Technician, when assigned to supervise and oversee the Enterprise GIS Mapping System, shall be compensated an additional ten percent. (BOS approved 3/11/08)

3-21.78 – Effective May 2, 2008, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 1314 when assigned “lead” responsibilities over one or more employees, in the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 4/22/08)

3-21.79 – Effective September 21, 2008, not to exceed one person employed under Job Code 4140, Librarian II, when assigned as the Librarian at the Centerville and Irvington Branch libraries and having lead responsibility for the clerical and paraprofessional staff, shall be compensated an additional five percent (5%). (BOS approved 9/16/08)

3-21.80 – Effective October 5, 2008, one position in Job Code 1221M shall receive an additional 5% percent compensation when assigned by the County Librarian the responsibility for researching and developing marketing strategies, maintaining positive relationships with external media sources, editing and overseeing press and media releases and insuring marketing deadlines are met. (BOS approved 9/15/09)

3-21.81 – (BOS approved 12/15/09) (BOS approved deletion 10/15/19)

3-21.82 – Effective January 17, 2010, persons employed under Job Codes 0203PA and 0204PA may be compensated at any salary within the salary range of the respective job class as determined by the Agency/Department Head. (BOS approved 1/12/10) (BOS approved 0301MA and 2126PA 5/24/16 effective 6/5/16)

3-21.83 – (BOS approved deletion 6/9/20)

3-21.84 – Effective July 11, 2010, not to exceed one person occupying a position under Job Code 0418P, when assigned lead and training responsibilities over two or more employees in the class of 0418PA or 0419PA in the Alameda County Library, shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS approved 7/27/10)

3-21.85 –  Effective May 26, 2024, not to exceed two (2) employees in Job Codes 8418, 8419 and/or 8420 in the Agricultural/Weights and Measures Department, when assigned and performing duties related to the canine inspection of agricultural shipments, shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation of base pay, and thirty dollars ($30.00) per bi-weekly pay period for the care and feeding of the assigned canine.  (BOS approved 9/14/10) (BOS approved amendment 10/16/12) (BOS approved 5/14/24)

3-21.86 – (BOS approved 1/11/11) (BOS approved deletion 10/15/19)

3-21.87 – Effective February 6, 2011, the salary level for the person employed under Job Code 0169EM (Chief Executive Officer, ACERA) may be compensated at any salary within the range of the respective job class as determined by the Board of Retirement. (BOS approved 2/1/11)

3-21.88 – Effective February 6, 2011, persons employed under Job Codes 0134SM, 0137SM, 0139SM, and 0141SM may be compensated at any salary within the salary range of the respective job class as determined by the Agency/Department Head. (BOS approved 2/1/11)

3-21.89 – Effective March 15, 2011, any County employee may make cash donations or a donation of his/her accrued vacation, compensatory time, and/or in-lieu holiday time to be contributed to the Alameda County Disaster Relief Fund designated by the County to be used for the relief of victims and families of the Northern Japan Earthquake & Tsunami. (BOS approved 3/29/11)

3-21.90 – Not to exceed two employees under Job Code 8418, 8419 and 8420, when assigned the responsibility of conducting inspections of trucks and other heavy capacity scales that require the use of Agricultural Weights Measures “heavy capacity truck” that require the incumbent to maintain a Class A California Driver’s License shall receive an additional five percent compensation. (BOS 1/13/15)

3-21.91 – Effective July 17, 2016 not to exceed one employee in Job Code 4178SM, Supervising Librarian II, when assigned management responsibilities over two Branch Libraries regularly managed by a Supervising Librarian within the County Library, shall be compensated an additional five percent of the base pay. The compensation authorized by this footnote shall not exceed a total of nine (9) months. (BOS approved 4/7/15) (BOS approved amendment 2/21/17)

3-21.92 –  Effective January 28, 2024, not to exceed five (5) employees in Job Code 1128, when assigned lead and training responsibilities over employees in the same and/or equivalent job code with one (1) lead assigned at the East County Branch Office, Fremont Branch Office, Juvenile Branch Office, Main Office and/or Oakland Branch Office of the Public Defender’s Office within the Public Defender’s Office, shall be compensated an additional five percent (5%) of the base pay. This footnote shall be reviewed by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before January 28, 2027.  (BOS approved 7/28/15)   (BOS approved 2/6/24)

3-21.93 – Effective November 22, 2015, persons employed under Job Codes 0427SM, may be compensated at any step in the salary range as determined by the Department Head (BOS approved 11/17/15)

3-21.94 – (BOS approved deletion 3/12/19)

3-21.95 – (BOS approved 6/6/17) (BOS approved deletion 10/15/19)

3-21.96 – Effective October 22, 2017, employees in Job Code 4140 (Librarian II) when assigned to be in charge of the Albany, Castro Valley, Centerville, Dublin, Fremont Main, Irvington, Newark, Niles, San Lorenzo, or Union City library branches when there is no manager on site on a weekday (Monday through Friday) after 5:00 p.m. or on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday) will be designated Librarian in Charge (LIC).  For the hours an employee is designated and assigned as LIC, that employee shall receive an additional five percent (5%) compensation.  (BOS approved 10/10/17) (BOS approved amendment 12/4/18)

3-21.97 – Effective December 30, 2018, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 3153, when assigned lead responsibilities over other Child Support Attorneys, in support of the Supervising Attorney within the Department of Child Support Services, shall be compensated an additional five percent (5%) of the base pay. (BOS approved 12/18/18)

3-21.98 – BOS approved 3/24/20 effective 3/17/20) (BOS approved amendment 5/12/20) (BOS approved amendment 7/14/20) (BOS approved 3/14/ 23)

3-21.99 – Effective June 15, 2020 through December 31, 2020, an eligible employee who has exhausted all leave accruals is allowed one (1) request to receive Advanced Sick Leave (“ASL”) up to an equivalent of two (2) weeks of said leave hours based upon the employee’s biweekly standard hours, if the employee needs to remain off work due to any COVID-19-related reason, through December 31, 2020. Any employee who receives ASL shall be required to repay the County for the ASL by accruing at one-half (1/2) the employee’s normal accrual rate until the ASL hours are repaid in full. An employee who separates (terminates) from County employment prior to reimbursing the County for all the used ASL hours in full shall remain liable for repayment of the unpaid used ASL hours. Failure by the employee to reimburse the County in full upon termination of employment will result in collection proceedings.Temporary assignment pool employees, service-as-needed employees, retired annuitants and employees in non-benefits eligible classifications are not eligible for said ASL. (BOS approved 7/14/20)

3-21.100 – (BOS approved 7/14/20) (BOS approved amendment 1/5/21) (BOS approved 11/23/21) BOS approved deletion  11/23/21)

3-21.101 – Effective June 15, 2020, each employee may donate up to 40-hours of sick leave, in increments of a minimum of one (1) day, provided the employee also donates the equivalent hours of vacation or compensatory time off, to the COVID-19 Leave Donation Bank designated for use by eligible employees who have exhausted all leave accruals and are unable to work due to COVID-19 medical reasons (self-quarantine/isolation; care for family member who is in quarantine/isolation). (BOS approved 7/14/20)

3-21.102 – (BOS approved deletion 1/12/21)

3-21.103 –  (BOS approved 3/23/21) (BOS approved 12/7/21) (BOS approved 6/7/22) (BOS approved deletion 9/19/23)

3-21-104 – Effective July 11, 2021, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 0465, Chief Departmental Human Resources Administrator, in each of the Social Services Agency (“SSA”) and Health Care Services Agency (“HCSA”), and effective November 26, 2023, not to exceed one (1) employee in Job Code 0465 in the General Services Agency (“GSA”), when assigned, in addition to their regular assignment, oversight of staff development that includes departmental technical training with a training staff of over 50 employees; Emergency Medical Services Corps and Alameda County Healthcare Pipeline programs; or operational and technical pipeline programs, in SSA, HCSA,  GSA, respectively, shall receive up to an additional eight percent (8%) compensation of the base pay.

This footnote shall no longer apply when the employee is no longer assigned the additional oversight of the aforementioned areas.  This footnote will be subject to a review by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before July 1 of each year.(BOS approved 6/15/21) (BOS approved 11/28/23)

3-21.105 -Effective October 1, 2021, employees who are subject to the July 26, 2021, August 5, 2021, August 19, 2021, or September 28, 2021 State of California Public Health Orders (“SPHOs”), and any other current or future SPHOs, County of Alameda Public Health Orders, and/or federal requirements mandating that employees: 1) obtain and provide verification of COVID-19 vaccination, including vaccine booster dose(s); or 2) undergo mandatory regular COVID-19 testing (as applicable), shall be granted up to two (2) hours of County-paid time off on paid administrative leave (“PAL”) and reimbursed for eligible mileage or public transit costs to attend mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, including vaccine booster dose(s) and mandatory testing appointments, during their normal work schedule unless otherwise approved by their Agency/Department Head.

Also, effective October 1, 2021, under the County COVID-19 Workforce Vaccination Policy (“Policy”), employees may be eligible for County-paid time off as follows: 1) employees required to undergo mandatory regular COVID-19 testing, shall be granted up to two (2) hours of County-paid time off on PAL and reimbursed for eligible mileage or public transit costs, during their normal work schedule unless otherwise approved by their Agency/Department Head; 2) all employees shall be granted up to two (2) hours of County-paid time off on PAL to receive their COVID-19 vaccination, including the initial booster dose, during their normal work schedule unless otherwise approved by their Agency/Department; and 3) all employees shall be granted up to two (2) hours of PAL to receive subsequent vaccine booster dose(s) during their normal work schedule unless otherwise approved by their Agency/Department, at the discretion of the County Administrator. Employees receiving vaccinations, including any booster dose, are required to exhaust any available Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (pursuant to Labor Code§ 248.6(b)(1)(C)) before being eligible for PAL. (BOS approved 11/2/21) (BOS approved 1/11/22) (BOS approved 3/8/22)

3-21.106 – Effective April 8, 2020, in accordance with the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (“Cal/OSHA”) Aerosol Transmissible Diseases (“ATD”) standard, 8 CCR§ 5199, enacted to protect employees against airborne diseases and pathogens, County of Alameda employees who are covered by said standard are eligible to be placed on paid administrative leave (“PAL”) when they experience an occupational/workplace exposure requiring exclusion from the workplace for precautionary reasons, if said employees are unable to telework.  (BOS approved 6/27/22)

3-21.107 – (BOS approved 7/19/22) (BOS approved 8/9/22)

3-21.108 – Effective August 6, 2023, in accordance with the Employee Referral Incentive Program (“ERIP”), all current permanent or probationary County employees are eligible to receive the employee referral incentive except for the following: 1) employees engaged in recruitment activities; 2) employees engaged in the selection of the candidate; 3) agency/department heads, executive managers, division directors, assistant and deputy directors, extra help, contractors, and elected officials; 4) employees who refer current County employees for promotion or transfer; and 5) employees who subsequently terminate employment prior to the candidate’s start date.

An employee who is identified as the referring employee by a candidate on the candidate’s employment application for a hard-to-fill classification, as designated by the Human Resource Services Director, shall receive five hundred dollars ($500) when the candidate is hired in a said hard-to-fill classification. Moreover, when the newly hired candidate completes the probationary period, the referring employee shall receive an additional five hundred dollars ($500) for a total of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for referring the candidate into the hard-to-fill position. The incentive award(s) will be made as soon as administratively possible.  (BOS approved 8/1/23)

3-21.109 – (BOS approved 10/10/23)

3-21.110 – Effective January 28, 2024, not to exceed a total of five (5) employees in Job Code 1240, when assigned lead and training responsibilities over employees in the same and/or equivalent job code with one (1) lead assigned at the East County Branch Office, Fremont Branch Office, Juvenile Branch Office, Main Office and/or Oakland Branch Office of the Public Defender’s Office, shall be compensated an additional five percent (5%) of the base pay. This footnote shall be reviewed by the Director of Human Resource Services on or before January 28, 2027. (BOS approved 2/6/24)

3-21.111 –  Employees in classifications as outlined in Ordinance , the April 16, 2024 Section II (first reading April 16, 2024), and Ordinance , Section I for Representation Unit 066 (first reading April 30, 2024) of the Salary Ordinance amendment and who are in paid status in the pay period containing May 12, 2024 shall receive a one-time lump sum gross payment of two thousand dollars ($2000). This subsection shall sunset effective December 21, 2024 and be deleted from the Salary Ordinance upon the sunset date.  (BOS approved 4/30/24) (BOS approved 5/14/24)

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